Chapter 44

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We sit by her bed side in silence for what feels like hours and hours until there's a knock at the door. I turn my head sharply to see who it is. 2 police officers step inside the now crowded room. One woman and one man. Great. I didn't think they'd come so quickly after Amy was admitted to the hospital.
"Skylar Potter?" The man says kindly, I nod
"We are going to have to ask you some questions" the woman says, I nod again
"We are going to have to take you to the station" I nod again and get up
"Do you want me to come with you Sky?" Matt speaks up, I nod again. I'm scared to have to answer their questions. I kiss Amy on the head lightly and whisper to her
"I love you Amy, keep fighting, I'll be back soon" and make my way out of the hospital room following the police officers. I turn to see Matt kissing Amy lightly on the head whilst holding her hand, I smile as he joins me by my side and holds my hand as we walk out to the car park.

The police say that I have to ride in their car to the police station and Matt drives Amy's car to the station.

When we pull up outside the station as the officers lead me inside, Matt's not here yet but I'm sure he'll be here soon. They lead me to a room that contains a single table with a lamp and 2 chairs, the walls are black and there's a door and a window. Is quite daunting, I feel like a criminal.

"Now miss Potter, where were you at the time of the disappearance of miss Amy Jackson?"
"I was downstairs in the conference room of the hotel"
"And what were you doing there?"
"I was at an event called Magcon" the officer scribbles some notes down on a single sheet of paper.

"Was Amy acting strange before the disappearance?" I think back to moments before I was called on stage, also the last time I saw Amy. She seemed her usual happy self, but she was hiding something, obviously hiding the whole serenading situation that was about to happen. "Miss Potter?"
I snap back to reality "sorry, no she was her usual self"

"You were the one who found Miss Jackson?" Miss Jackson. Just use her name. Amy. Her name is Amy.
"Where did you find her?"
"At Northridge High School, in longbridge" he scribbles some more
"You are aware that we have made an arrest connected to this incident" I nod "The young lady's name is Anna Chudge, she says she did nothing"
"She's a liar"
"What makes you say that?"
"She told me herself that she did it"
"Do you have any proof of this?"
"No but" I think back to the picture I saw on her phone "I have this" I rummage around in my bag and pull out the iPhone 4 that I'd taken from Anna. I open the photos app and click on the only photo there is, I hand it to the officer. He looks at it as the female officer speaks up
"And how did you become in possession of this?"
"I um. She showed me the picture so I took the whole phone, I needed evidence"
"You're lucky that this is vital evidence to the case or else I should arrest you for theft"

I shrug guiltily as the male writes more notes.
"Have you known of miss Chudge before this incident?"
"How exactly?" I tell him about my life in England and how she found me in America. He nods, he's very accepting of everything I say, as for the woman: she just stares at me, as if she thinks I tortured my best friend.
"I think that is enough questions for today, don't you think?" The man smiles at me as he walks towards the door, I follow him eager to escape the dark, haunting room. "An officer will be with you in the next few days to ask you more questions but if you think of anything that could be vital to the case in the meantime, please do not hesitate to call"

He leads me out into the waiting room where I find a sleeping Matt. I gentle nudge him and he wakes with a start.
"How was it?"
"How about I take you for some food to cheer you up? We can go to the hospital after?"
"Thanks Matt" he smiles as he gets up out of the chair and begins to walk out "Thanks for being here Matt, you could have been out with your friends or some girls but no you're here with me, some girl you just met"
"You're not just some girl" he stops, turning to me "You're my girl" he laughs and adds "As a friend of course!"

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