Chapter 68

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"Oh shit"

I stand there stunned at what I'm seeing before me. Matt and Amy, my boyfriend and my best friend, making out. Somehow this hurts more than all the punches, kicks and cuts I've had in my lifetime all added together. Something is burning up inside of me, just like when I threw up but I know I'm not going to be sick. It's rage. My plan on the way here was to be cool and calm and reason with Matt but that idea has gone, along with the hope that Matt actually did love me, because obviously I don't.

"What happened to I love you too?" I stammer
"What?" Matt asks puzzled
"I told you I loved you and you said it back. So what happened?"
"I'm sorry Sky"
"Don't apologise"
"It's funny, how you can love someone so much and then just like that it turns to hatred"
"You're not making any sense"
"Neither are you! You built me up, made me feel strong and loved, like I was the only girl in the world and then I come here and find you with my best friend. AGAIN!" I scream

"Sorry but who even are you?" Amy speaks up
"His girlfriend" I say pointing to Matt
"I never asked you to be my girlfriend again, after you dumped me"
"Oh well sorry" I say sarcastically "Sorry for thinking that saying I love you to someone makes you their girlfriend"
"I don't know why you're so upset"
"YOU DONT KNOW WHY IM UPSET?" I scream and laugh at the same time
"That's kind of what I just said" he sasses
"Don't get sassy with me Matt."
"You're such a dick you know that? EVERYBODY was right" even though I'm not sure who everybody is right now "I should never have even given you a chance after you had sex with that slut" I spit

"Excuse me bitch, but who are you calling the slut? Matt told me about you and Taylor "
"I'm talking about you, YOUR BOYFRIEND" I gesture to Shawn who is beside me, distraught "Is standing right here and you can't even say sorry."
"Oh my god, Shawn."
"Save it, he's better off without you"
"You don't get to decide what's good for him, he is a person too, you don't always have to control everything as usual Sky."
"So you do remember me then?"
"Of course I do you idiot! I've known from the second you first walked in"
"So why lie?" She turns in her bed to look at Matt "right, I got it, you couldn't stand for me to have anything to myself, as usual!"
"You don't deserve him, he's so out of your league"
"You know what Amy? I'm done. I'm done with you. I'm done with him. I'm done with all the shit you put me through and all your stupid mind games. I'm done with everything. Don't bother calling me. I'm done." She's starting to show a hint of guilt "You can stuff your friendship. I don't want it. I should have left you in that school to die when I had the chance." I spit and walk out of the room.

I hear footsteps behind me so I turn my walk into a run. The footsteps stop and I stop as I turn the corner. I reach into my pocket and pull out Amy's note, I rip it into a million tiny pieces and watch as the shreds tumble out of my hands, through the air and onto the ground. I start to walk again. To the only person who could make me feel anything like the old me.


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