Chapter 60

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He loves me. I was an idiot for thinking that he didn't, he's made it so clear, but at least he's said it. My heart races as he brings his lips back to mine. A few seconds later we arrive on our floor. The doors open to see Carter on the phone to someone. He looks up at us and breathes a deep sigh of relief.

"Where are you guys been?" He's panicked, like something bad's happened "I've been trying to call you for ages?"
"We were on the roof" I explain "what's wrong?"
"It's Taylor" I scoff at his name, he was so rude to me earlier, nothing Carter can say will make me even think about him again "He's been in an accident" okay maybe that works
"An accident?" Matt says as I open my mouth to ask the same thing
"Yeah, he and Jack G went quad biking so Taylor could 'clear his head'" he gestures speech marks with his hands "And the bike went off the track, Taylor's in hospital now"
"Is Jack alright?" I know I should be worrying about Taylor but I don't want to seem desperate
"Yeah he's fine, Taylor's shattered his arm, dislocated his wrist and majorly bruised his hip though" I gasp
"Can we see him?" Matt asks
"He asked not to see Sky" I nod, I could have guessed that
"Can you at least tell him that I hope he gets better soon?" Carter nods as he and Matt quickly run off.

I make my way back to the hotel room. It's such a mess and I'm such a neat freak, I don't know how I've dealt with it for so long. I decide to tidy up a bit, seeing as Matt and Shawn obviously don't believe in throwing away trash. Plus, it might take my mind off the fact that Taylor doesn't want to see me.

A few hours later, I hear a knock at the door. They must have forgotten their room key or something. I get up to open the door, turning back to look at my masterpiece aka the nice and tidy room. I smile to myself as I open the door.
"Did you forget your room key or something?" I say opening the door, I quickly realise that it's not Matt or Shawn or in fact anyone I've seen before.
"Oh it's you" one of the three girls that stand before me spits
"Can I help you?" I say sourly
"We were told this was Matt and Shawn's room, obviously we were wrong" she says looking behind me into the room
"What gives you that impression?" I smirk
"Well the boys HATE a tidy hotel room so that was the first give away" she emphasises the word 'hate' "they can't stand it, they yell at anyone who tries to tidy it whilst they're still staying there" maybe she's right, maybe they will yell at me. Great.

"Sorry but who even are you?" I don't even try to say it politely, seems like a bit of Amy has rubbed off onto me.
"I'm Cassie" the main girl says proudly "but you can call me the future mrs Espinosa" ha. That's likely. Not.
"That's nice" I hiss
"It is actually, Matt told me I was beautiful and that he loved me so.." She doesn't finish her sentence
"That's great for you." I lean in closer "You do realise he's paid to tell you that right?" She looks taken back by what I said, good riddance, stupid girl. Wow, Amy really has rubbed off on me. Cassie stands trying to find a comeback but I don't give her a chance "Look, I'd love to stay and chat but I have better things to do with my time"
"Like what? Lead Taylor on and then not visit him in hospital?" Wow, news really does travel fast.
"You don't know what you're talking about."
"Whatever" she tuts as we walks away, the other two girls trailing behind her. I slam the door shut and lean against it. Why is everyone so rude these days? I decide that the only thing that can cheer me up right now is Amy, but Amy's not here, which means I have to go to her.

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