Chapter 34

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"We need to know"
"This girl, Anna, she hates me, she made my life hell, she couldn't stand that my life was finally good and she wanted a way to hurt me so she kidnapped Amy and did this to her" I gesture towards Amy
"Right I see, the police are going to want to talk to you"
"I know" I watch the paramedic struggling to save Amy "please" I beg "save her"
"We will do all we can, but she's in pretty bad shape, there's no saying what will happen"
"So what am I meant to do? Sit back and watch my best friend die?" I feel Jack J come up to my left and Jack G on my right, their presence is comforting.
"They've taken her away" Jack J whispers in my ear, I nod. Finally, that bitch is gone and hopefully will be gone forever.
"All I can say is to get your family and loved ones together and hope for the best" I nod "your sister is very brave, I'm sure she will be fine" she says obviously trying to comfort me. She's a terrible liar.
"She's not my sister, she's my best friend"
"Ah well, it looks like we have to get her to the hospital"
"You don't say" I mutter under my breath as Jack G nudges me in the ribs.
"Who's coming in the ambulance?"
"Sky, you go, we will get the rest of the guys and meet you at the hospital"
"Okay" I nod as I follow my mangled best friend on her stretcher out of the building.

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