Chapter 25

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October's POV

I woke up with a really bad headache. I got up and started walking to the door, when all of a sudden my legs gave out. I fell down with a big THUMP and Is at on the floor for 20 minutes.

'Well I have to fucking pee so if I don't get up I'm going to piss everywhere' I thought. I tried getting up but my legs kept shaking. I tried running but I ended up tripping over my feet. 'What the hell is wrong?!' I thought to myself.

I was in the bathroom at this point. I army crawled to the toilet and let out a huge breath. I quickly did my thing and tried walking back to my room. I ran half way because my legs were about to give out. They gave out right as I entered my room and I landed face first onto the floor. I sat up and I felt my nose to make sure it wasn't bleeding. It was.

“Brendon.. Help!!"" I shouted. I heard footsteps and then I saw him in the doorway.

"The FUCK happened to you?" He asked.

“My legs keep giving out.. and this time I fell and banged my nose on the floor. " I managed to say without blood going into my mouth. Brendon picked me up bridal style and carried my to the bathroom. He sat me in the bathtub and grabbed a cloth and ran it under water. He came back and began dabbing my face with it. He was doing this for about 10 minutes when he all of a sudden stops.

“Ya know.. You have really pretty eyes.” He said as he blushed. I smiled and looked down. He began to lean in closer..and closer.

I lean in to and we began kissing. He ended up falling into the bathtub with me.

“Oh my god. Sorry." Brendon said.

“Its fine." I said. “ about we go get a coffee?" I suggested. He nodded and we both got out of the bathtub..

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