Chapter 21

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Octobers POV~

I kept thinking, and thinking. I can't believe this. So much has changed. I lost my best friend, my teacher math teacher loves me, and I'm living with him.

I think I'm falling for him too. That's the problem right now, considering he's maaaaybe 8-10 years old older then me. I don't know why I like him. Yeah he's a good singer, has gorgeous brown eyes, luscious lips.. Okay now I know why.

I texted Brendon to see is he could grab me Nutella from Walmart. He responded with a yeah sure. I smirked and this and put my phone back on the counter. Gerard walked in with a spoon and chocolate pudding. I started flipping out and snatched it out of his hand. I pretty much inhaled the damn thing.

I absolutely hate being in the fucking hospital. The only good thing is not having to go to school. Brendon took off work so he can come see me when ever. His girlfriend is pissed off because he did that because they won't get any money. I over heard Brendon yelling at her on the phone, pretty much saying that she needs to get off her ass and get a damn job, or get out of his house. I couldn't really take him seriously so I started laughing. I tossed the pillow over my mouth and laughed harder because it was muffled. He looked at me like I was insane, which made me laugh harder. This was two days ago, and I'm still laughing about it. He tells me to shut up about it, but I don't.

Brendon entered the room with a 10 pound jar of Nutella. I started freaking out.

"Brendon. I just wanted a small jar. Not a jar big enough to put a midget in." I said. He begain to laugh at me. I shrugged and grabbed the jar from his hands. I prided it open, and started eating it. I looked over at him and he looked like he was about to die.

"B-Brendon, whats wrong?" I asked.

"Are you hungry? Jesus christ October." He said. I tried not to laugh 'cause I would choke.

I ate about 1/4 of the jar, then I sat it down. "I'm full." I mumbled. Brendon had a smile on his face. I shrugged because I didn't want to ask why he was smiling like the joker. I adjusted myself on the bed. I groaned and flopped down.

"I hate this. It's boring as fuck." I said. Brendon got up and left. "Well bye to you to ya lil' shit. Jeez." I said. He came back in.

"The doctor said you can leave today." He said.

"But, what about the kidney transplant?" I asked. He shook his head.

"He said you'll have to come back in about a month to have the operation done." I smiled really big at this. I finally get to go home. I was barely in the hospital for that long but, it's boring as hell. I quickly grabbed my clothes that were next to me and got up and rushed to the bathroom. The took out all my IVs yesterday, thank you god. I quickly got dressed and threw my hair in a bun. Irushed out of the bathroom and ran and jumped into Brendons arms.

"You ready?" He asked. I nodded my head and jumpped of him. We went to the desk and told them I was ready to go. They nodded and told me the date that I need to come back for my transplant. After that we ran to the elevator and went to the first floor. We rushed out and headed to the car. I get to leave. Thank god.

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