Chapter 22

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Octobers POV~

Home. Home sweet home. Thank you god. I rushed to my room and flopped on the bed. I started wiggling around and flailing around. Brendon walked in on me having a moment and asked why I doing this. I ignored him and rushed down stairs and ran to the kitchen.

"BREEENNNNNDON!!!" I yelled. He rushed downstairs with a panicked expression.

"WHAT HAPPENED!" He yelled as he swung a bat around like a damn weirdo. I started laughing.

"I. Want. Chipotle." I said. He looked at me very weirdly.

"We don't have one here. Sorry."

"Y-yes we do. I saw one 6 miles back. Pleaseee." I begged. He groaned and grabbed his keys and we both rushed out of the house. We headed to Chipotle with in 5 minutes.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Food." I said. He glared at me and smirked at me. We quickly ordered our food and rushed back out to the car and started eating. I got so much food and I almost got sick. We went back home and watched movies.

I got to pick the first one and I chose Breakfast Club. He doesn't like it but I absolutely love that movie. I know every word. He eventually left the room because he was mad at me for saying every word, I continued to watch it and eventually fell asleep.

Brendons POV

I walked back into the living room and noticed that she was asleep.  She looks so adorable when she sleeps. I decided to leave her there 'cause I didn't want to wake her up. I walked back upstairs and went to the bathroom. I noticed there was something in the trash can. Razors. 6 of them. covered in blood. I almosted got sick. I know what some people do with razors, and I don't even want to think about it. I don't do it. My girlfriend doesn't do it. No one else stays here. October must do it. I rushed downstiars and to find out that October was still sleeping. I decided to looked at her wrists. 

20 scars on the right, 50 scars on the left. Why? I quickly looked away. She started moving around.  Shit shit shit shit.  I quietly moved away.

"B-brendon?" I heard her mumble.  Shit.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What are you doing?"

"Um.. n-nothing hun. G-go back to sleep." I said as calmly . 

"No. I don't want to." She said.

Octobers POV

"B-brendon?"  I mumbled

"Yeah?" HE asked.

"What are you doing?"

"Um.. n-nothing hun. G-go back to sleep." He said, in a very weird way.

"No. I don't want to." I said.  Whats wrong with him? 

"Let me look at your wrists."  He said. What the fuck. No I can't show him.

"No." I said. He rushed over to me and grabbed my wrists. I was trying not to scream.

"GET OFF OF ME BRENDON!!!" I yelled. 

He saw them. He almost cried. 

"Why?" He asked. I couldn't tell him.

"I can't say."

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