Chapter 30

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Octobers POV

I sat in the hospital bed for what seemed like hours before Brendon even said something.
"So, babe, how ya feeling?" He asked. He just called me babe, what.

"Oh, um, yeah. I'm in pain, obviously." I chuckled. He smiled and shook his head.
"What?" I asked.
"I just- I just can't believe that you we're just my student and now you and me are actually friend, and i gave you my mother fucking kidney. I can't believe that I'm in love with you either. I just can't." He looked up at me with slight tears in his eyes.

Did he just say he loves me? No no no. No he didn't. Last time this happened I-
"Look, I know this is weird, I know this crazy, but can you just-" He got cut off by Gerard walking in.
"Hey sweetheart. How ya feelin'?" He asked. I smiled.
"Pretty good. I'm in pain but i just got a kidney transplant so." He chuckled at my response.
"Whats your favorite food?" He asked for some random reason.
"Crab meat. Holy shit, crab meat." He nodded and left the room. I looked over at Brendon to notice that he was glaring at Gerard.

"I don't like him." He said. "He looks like he should be in a band and sing stupid songs that should be called The Black Parade and shit because he's sad 24/7. He looks like a 2005 emo kid." He finished.

"For fucks sake calm down. Nothings going on between me and him. I barely know him. Why do you care so much anyway? If you liked me as much as you say you fucking do, you'd ask me out by now!" I started to raise my voice but calmed down.

"Are you suggesting I should ask you out?"
"Are you implying that you might ask me out?"
"Are you going to? Or..?"
"October Jackson, you should like, go on a date with me after you get out of the hospital. We can go anywhere you choose. My treat." I smiled.
"Of course." Wait what. He's my fucking teacher. This is wrong.
"Aren't you scared that you might lose your job because of this?" I asked. I don't want him loosing his job.
"I'm willing to loose my job October. I'm willing to lose my life you."

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