Chapter 32

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Octobers POV
I sat in his car humming whatever was on the radio. I heard Gerard singing to this song. He's pretty good, to be honest. He sounds like the lead singer of this band I listen to.
"Hey, you're pretty good!" I said. He smiled and turned it up louder.
Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
But baby when they knock you
Down and out
Is where you oughta stay
He sang along and I started singing what I could. It turned into a karaoke car ride. I havent had this much fun with someone in a while. No offense to Brendon. We finally got to  the house and I gave him some money for gas, and told him thank you.  He gave me a hug and I got out of the car. I started walking up to the door and I paused before knocking. Should I have even came back here? I shook the thought out of my mind and knocked on the door.
I stood there for a good 5 minutes before he opened the door.
"What do you want?" He said as he looked me up and down. "I live here asshole. Let me in." I scoffed. He clinched his jaw and scooted over so i could walk in. I jogged to my room and slammed the door. I tossed my shit on the floor, and flopped on my bed. I just hope Brendon gets over his attitude, because I don't want to deal with it.

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