Chapter 31

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Octobers POV

I wish he would realize how much is at stake here. I'm a minor and he's my damn teacher. He could get arrested, and something could happen to me.
He's in love with me, which I dint understand. I'm not loveable, not even close. No one likes me, I have no friends. I dont understand how he could be in love with me, when he barely knows anything about me. Fucking christ.

I sat there looking at him in awe.
"You can't be serious?"
"What are you talking about October?"
"You can't say that. We cant be together."
"But you said yes and.."
"I know, I know. But look. When I'm older, like twenty or something, then we can give it a shot. Because you're my teacher at the moment and if it gets out that we're together, you'll lose your job and probably get arrested. And we cant have that now can we?"
He looked down at his shoes and then he got up. "Fine. If you arent willing to take the chance now, then don't even fucking try later on." He shouted and got up and left with his keys. Wasn't I supposed to go home today or something. And if i was, wasn't he my ride?
I laid my head back and I saw Gerard. I called for him but he didnt hear me.
I sat there, wanting to either die, or get the fuck out of here. And one is easier than the other. Gerard passed again and looked into my room. He came back and walked in.
"Hey Octagon." He said. I chuckled.
"Hey Geronimo." He laughed. He sat dowm in the chair next to me. We started talking and we were having a deep conversation before someone walked in.
"Miss October. You are offically released." I smiled, but then i realized i can't get back home.
"You have a ride? If not, I'll take you. My shift is over in 20 minutes anyway." Gerard said.
"Thank you. Thats nice of you." I quickly got my clothes on and waited for him to get done with his shift. When he got done , we walked out and to his car.

He's a really nice guy and holy shit he's amazing.

wait what

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