Chapter 8

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Octobers POV

I got a text from an unknown number in the middle of physcology.  'Strange.' I thought

"is it true that you and Mr. Urie had sex?" I had to read it like three times to make sure that i was reading it right. 

"Um, no. Sorry to disappoint your fantasy. Who is this? " I texted. I waited for a response and i finally got one after about thirty minutes.

"Kade Jones." My eyes grew twice as big. How did the most popular kid in school get my number? I'm literally only friends with Jayy, and she doesn't really talk to anyone either. I quickly walked into last period and sat down. The class went by fast, thankfully. I rushed to my locker and put my stuff in it. I rushed over to Jayy to apologise. She just rolled her eyes and walked away. I jogged over to her.

"Hey. Jayy. Listen to me." I said. She pushed my into a locker.

"No. You listen here you fucking piece of shit. I'm sick of you not telling me anything, ever. If thats how you're gonna be, then you can go fuck yourself. Or better yet, kill yourself like your mom did." she yelled in my face, then stormed off. My heart just broke. Everyone was staring at me, waiting for my reaction. What were they excepting me to do? Punch her, run after her and beat the shit out of her? Man, I was thinking about it.

I slid down the lockers, with my hands over my mouth. I curled myself into a ball on the floor. I cried, and cried. I cried until I felt I couldn't cry anymore. I heard someone call my name.

"October. Hey." I heard Brendon say. I looked up to see his big brown eyes staring at mine.

"Hi." I sniffled. I wiped my eyes, noticing that all my mascara was on my face now. Awesome.

"Come with me.." He said as he helped me up. We walked into the girls bathroom.

"Why are we here." I choked out. He ripped a paper towel and handed it to me. Why is he doing this?

"Here. Ya gonna need this.." He said as he looked down and chuckled a little bit. I grabbed it out of his hands and wiped my face. I glanced up at him, hoping he would talk to make this less awkward.

"Why are you crying?" He asked quietly.

"My so called 'friend' told me I could kill myself.  She knows why that gets to me more than anything else that anyone could say to me." I looked at me as if he wanted me to explain. "I don't have a mom or dad. My mom committed suicide when I was younger, and I haven't heard from my dad in 14 years." I finished and glanced up at him. He looked shocked and concerned.

He just stood there for a little bit.  "Can I have a hug?" I asked quietly. "You don't even have to ask." He said as he pulled me in for a hug.

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