Chapter 10

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"October! Is that you?" I heard someone yell from the porch. 'Crap.' I thought.

"I'll see you tomorrow Brendon. Bye." I said quickly. Apparently the window was down on his car and whoever was on the porch noticed it was me. I rushed upstairs, and into my room before anyone could ask questions.  'Crap. That didn't happen at all.  What just happened? I hope no one saw us.'  I thought to myself. I quickly put on pajamas and slid into my bed. My phone went off. I looked at it and noticed it was a unknown number.

"I saw you and Mr. Urie." It read. I looked out my window. Great, now I have a stalker. "Who are you?" I replied. I'm so scared because what if they go to school with me. They'll probably tell everyone. If it get backs to anyone important, he'll get fired and I'd feel terrible. I finally got a reply from the unknown number.

"Take a guess, slut." Ouch. Whatever. I didn't reply.

Unknown POV 

I peered out outside and noticed that her and Mr. Urie were together. They were about to kiss. I know her well enough to know for a fact that she's the biggest slut in school. Yeah I've done some slutty things, but honestly if you're sleeping with one of the teachers, that out-ranked every other slutty action possible.

October POV

I don't know who is texting me, but its honestly freaking me out. I should honestly block it, but it doesn't seem that serious to be honest.

Brendon POV

I hope I'm not falling for October. Nothing against her, but she's one of my students and I just can't do that. God, I hope these feelings go away.

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