Chapter 34 || Last Chapter

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day of concert *

It's noon and I'm beginning to get ready for the concert that's in eight hours. Why did I start getting ready so early? Because I procrastinate, that's why. The concerts about two hours away ,and as of now Brendon is not even getting ready at all. I woke him up about two hours ago to remind him that concerts today and that he needs to probably get ready a few hours,  and what does he do, nothing. I start walking to his room in nothing but a towel because i just got out of the shower. I walk into room quietly and get really close to his face and yell,"Brendon, holy shit theres a fire, we need to leave right now!" He shoots up out of bed and he looks at me and he's like, "Are you serious?" I chuckle at how confused he was. "No dumb ass! Now come on and get ready for the concert, we should be leaving in about two hours or so." I said. He groaned and flopped back down. I rushed back to my room to start getting ready because I usually take two hours to get ready, but this time I have to rush in order to get to the concert on time.
-fast forward to the concert-
He pulled up to the venue and I was shaking. I was extremely excited and nervous. We both got out of the car and started walking ,which seemed like forever, but we finally got there and there and there was a huge line. We waited in line for a long time before we finally got into the actual building and into our seats. We sat there for 30 minutes and all of a sudden everyone started chanting the bands name, and I started almost crying. All of a sudden I hear Ashton playing the drums and I started bawling. "You okay?" Brendon asked. I shake my head yes and start yelling and screaming like a psycho. The first song was actually my favorite song at the moment by them which is called Girls Talk Boys. "This is absolutely amazing." I think to myself. I glance over at Brendon and I notice he's a huge smile on his face. He's enjoying himself. God he is absolutely perfect.
-after the concert-
"Did you have fun babe?" He asked me.  I nodded. My throat was killing me from all the screaming and chanting I did tonight. We were heading back to the car, and we couldn't find it for about 30 minutes because of all the traffic and people walking around. After we found the car, we sat in the it for about an hour to have all the traffic die down. We sat in silence for a little bit before he said something. "Hey October, can I tell you something?" I nodded. He took a deep breath and began. {listen to the song as you read what he says}
"I love you. With every single ounce of my being. I don't know how I fell in love with you, but I did. And I know it's weird but I know this is probably completely out of the ordinary. But holy shit I haven't felt this way about anyone in such a long time. My feelings for you are so strong that you don't even understand it. I don't  even understand it, actually. You are gorgeous. You are absolutely hilarious. You are absolutely adorable. And you deserve the whole entire world. I know you feel like you do not deserve anything, but I'm telling you from the bottom of my heart, that if you allow me to, I will give you the whole entire world and more because you absolutely deserve it. You deserve to be happy, and healthy and taking care of like how any person should be. October, I am one hundred in love with you. Will you give me the honor and finally be my girlfriend?"
I sat there in complete shock, and in tears. I open the door and walked around to his side of the car and open the door. "Get out for a second." I said. He looked me with a very concerned and confused look. He got out of the seat and close the door behind him. I got 2 inches away from his face, and said, "Mr. Brendon Boyd Urie, I will absolutely, one hundred percent be your girlfriend." Next thing you know his lips were on mine. I haven't felt that great in what seemed like years. He pulled away and whipped my tears off my face. "You look beautiful when you cry." He said to me as he kissed the top of my head and hugged me. I hugged him back really tight and began to cry again. "Hey, can I say something?" I asked. He nodded.
"These past few months have been the weirdest, and greatest months of my whore entire life, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. You make me absolutely happy whether I should or not. you've made me upset and you have made me absolutely happy. Even though you can be a huge pain in my ass sometimes, I will always care about you. No matter what happens and I know this is gonna sound cheesy but, even when I'm sick or if I'm healthy, for better or for worse, I will always be by your side no matter what life puts us through. And I'm happy to say that we are together because I've been waiting for what seems like years but it's only been months, or a month actually. Brendon, thank you for making me the happiest person in the whole entire world right now. Thank you for giving it up in internal organ for me. Thank you for everything you've done for me and everything you will do for me, as a friend as a now boyfriend, and even as a teacher. And with that being said, Brendon, I love you too."
And the rest was history. ~
I love you guys so much. Thank you for everything you've done and said. Thank you for supporting the book. This means a lot to me. I love you guys so fucking much.

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