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GAME DAY v Liverpool

I wipe my tears away, looking at the busy and old streets of Manchester coming to live : it's 6:40 am, and the only thing keeping me awake today is the cup of coffee I have in my hand. The night I just spent was one of the worse in my life : I haven't slept even one minute, and I know why. 

Lucy wasn't here to whisper everything would be okay, or hold me tighter than she usually would because she feels I needed it. 

When the balcony door opens, I thought I'd see Jade hardly emerging - mornings are not her thing - but instead, Jo Potter just comes standing next to me, a cup of tea in hand, and her eyes locked on the view. I throw her a curious look : if she's still here, it means she slept here. Did she sleep with Jade ? 

When she catches my look, she smirks. 

"I slept in Majri's room" she says before I have the chance to even ask the question. She then shrugs, watching me frown. "I didn't want to go too fast, because Jade... You know, she needs to get used to change, and she has trouble letting people in again."

"I see" I let out, not unlocking my eyes from the view. "You really are a good person, Josanne. I gotta give that to you."

She smirks. 

"You know, Jade and Lucy have one thing in common : whatever happened, they'll just wait for you to apologize, especially if you're the one talking trash to them or something."

"How did you know we-"

"You just told me" Jo smirks, as I raise my eyebrows. She then shakes her head. "Body language, Kristie. That's the key. You look lost and tired today, and she isn't here : the guess wasn't hard to make." 

I sigh. 

"I can't go to America without her" I say, realizing it as I speak. 

I then frown, holding the tears back. 

What did she do to me ? I mean, a few months ago, I was just happy to be alone, wandering around, travelling without attaches. But now... It's more than just the team that is so great and that I wouldn't want to leave : the last five games of the year will, I hope, be unforgettable. But this deadline is coming, and I can't think anything else than...:

I need Lucy by my side now : I'm crazy about her.  

This realization makes me regret not to have heard her answer last night, when I asked her if she would follow me : what if she would've said yes ? I guess you'll never know, you moron : you shut her out. My eyes go wide, as I grab my coat : I need to talk to her before the game. As I am about to leave, Jo holds me back. 

"Dude" she says, her 'I'm an amazing lesbian adviser so don't fight me bro' look on. She then smirks. "If you hurt her, let her be for a few days. Meanwhile, ask yourself what you want to do with those contracts you've been offered."

I nod. 

"Thanks, Jo."


"Oh" I let out, remembering something I was about to say, smiling. "Jade has been dying for you to kiss her, so please do it before you leave, thank you."

She blushes, but doesn't say anything. 

Once I'm inside the apartment again, I grab my shoes and training bag - yes, the game is seven hours away, so I've got time you might say - and go on the street. I then compose Abby Wambach's number, shaking my head. 

When she picks up, I immediately say : 

"Hey, Abby, it's Kristie" I then take a deep breath, knowing that it was my best chance to ever be the best player I could be. "... I can't take your offer, I'm sorry."


FT : Liverpool 3-4 Manchester City

{Potter 4', Weir 14', Van der Sanden 87' | Mewis 7' 78', Christiansen 27', Feiersinger 90'}

After a wild game, all I want to do is go home : spending the day either ignoring the cold glares Lucy is throwing me all the time, and trying to look fit otherwise the captain would've told me not to play, just killed me.

But when I get to the locker room, some girls are on their phones, looking at me in shock. 

I cross Carli's eyes, and I immediately know what this is all about : I turned down the Cleveland offer this morning, and the medias probably mentioned it. I can't really describe Carli's expression right now : it's in between pride and anger, as if I did the right thing for Lucy but not for me. 

Bass is the one coming to me, putting her hands on my shoulders. 

"Kid" she starts, raising her eyebrows. "Are you sure about this ?" 

I cough, before looking around me. 

My teammates are all here - no exception, even Lucy is here - looking at me, obviously all knowing about my decision. I close my eyes : it's time I tell them what it is really about. I don't know if Lucy is ready, or if she wants it. But I need to get it off my chest, because this team has become a small family. 

I open my eyes and say : 

"I fell in love with this team and.... I fell in love with Lucy."

I don't really care what most of the girls' reactions are : I know they are not freaking homophobes or even the kind to be 'what about the team, you selfish person ?' or something. Right now, I see smiles all around the room, but on Lucy's face. 

I then continue : 

"I don't want to leave Manchester unless I really have a good offer, no matter what the national team coaches recommend : I want to play where I want, with the people I want. Maybe this will cost me the World Cup, but I've played for clubs that weren't worth it for so many years, and I don't want that anymore."

SH gets up, before pulling me into an honest, genuine hug. 

"I'm proud of how far you've come, Mewie" she whispers into my ears, a big smile on her face. She then casually adds : "I think you managed to move Lucy, by the way. So go and get her back, all right ?"

I pull away, teary eyes.

"Yes, m'mam."

After turning around, I realize Lucy is not on the room anymore, but the rest of my teammates are, congratulating me on that wise and courageous choice. I know that ultimately, something else will pop up.

Abby Wambach guaranteed it.   



Special : Jo & Jade

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