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SH advances, teary eyes, and probably a sore throat. 

"I just wanted to address the whole team before we all go home.

"I think words can't ever express how proud I was on the pitch today. Everybody said we would lose to Lyon and then our season would be over. And to be honest, I almost believed them at some point : what were the odds ? But then, I remembered. By seeing you girls on that locker room, either focused or dancing, I just remembered how hard we worked as a group and as individuals. 

"And I knew it wouldn't go unrewarded. We deserve that win, and we earned it. So, fuck off to everybody that say we can't lose that finale : we WILL win it, simply because we haven't come all this way, so far, to just go home empty-handed. I want each and every one of you to get along with that idea, because mentality will play a big part against Paris. 

"Again, I am so, very proud of you. Being your captain is probably the biggest achievement in my life, and moments I will cherish forever, and-"

Her voice breaks, and for the first time since I've known her, a tear rolls down her cheek. I see Jill and Izzy immediately walking toward her, surrounding her with their arms. Quite embarrassed, SH starts laughing softly. 

And that makes me emotional. 

"Anyway" SH continues, wiping her tears away. "Thank you for allowing me and yourselves to dream a little longer ; now it's time to turn dreams into reality." 

Everybody start cheering, before most of the girls just jump on top of the group hug that just formed itself, dancing their asses off. But I, on the other hand, don't really want to dance. I change my clothes really fast, before putting the team's jacket on, and grabbing my bag. I see Lucy laughing her ass off, and when she frowns toward me, I just nod my head : I want her to stay here and have fun. 

Kelsey, SH and Carli advance to me, as the keeper settles :

"I'm driving."

I nod, and follow them outside.  

The way to the hospital is mostly animated by discussions about our style of play, and also PSG's strengths and weaknesses that we could exploit. I know Kelsey is quite stressed, because her eyes are locked on the road and she barely even speaks - even less than usual, how could that even be possible ? - and I immediately know why : with KB out of the picture for that finale, she'll be our goalie.

That's a lot of pressure for a goalie to make a first start for their new team during a Champions League finale...

"I trust you" I suddenly say, and Kelsey and I cross eyes when she looks in the rear-view mirror. "We all do, you know that ?"

SH, who soon realizes what I mean, nods. But Carli is the one saying :

"You're a world-class keeper : you can do this."

"Besides" SH adds, raising her eyebrows, "you killed it in training EVERY SINGLE TIME I watched you. Seriously, you've got this. And just think about what playing in that finale will give you has an exposure as a player ?"   

Kelsey nods, but doesn't say anything.


KB tore her ACL.

That's the first thing she told us when we came in. A few tears and comforting words later, here we still are. As far as I am concerned, I am sitting on a chair next to the keeper's bed, feeling bad for her : she always misses big matches. Back in 2015 in the previous World Cup, she missed the Bronze Medal Game because of an injury, and was replaced by Siobhan Chamberlain. Then, during the Euros in 2017, she missed the semi-finale after breaking her leg against France in the previous game. And now, she's going to miss the Champions League finale, and probably the beginning of the 2019 season.

THE PLAYERS SERIES : K.M. {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now