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I wake up the next morning, and my mouth immediately opens.

Lucy Bronze is sleeping next to me, quietly breathing with her mouth slightly open. Her bun is messy, as the covers goes up to her chin. I start stressing out, grabbing my own cover and closing my eyes. 

Please, don't be naked.

When I remove them from there, I realize both of us are still wearing clothes. 

Thank to the fucking Lord.

I shake my head, starting to feel the hangover coming. I lie back down on the bed, looking around me : Sam is sleeping on the couch with Steph, while Izzy and KB are on the ground, obviously still sleeping. 

Okay, great, that's like a big sleepover, I think to myself, trying to cheer myself on. Nothing bad happened : only teammates sleeping there.

As I am about to get up, Lucy turns around, and her head suddenly relies on my shoulder, and her hand on my stomach. 

Holy shit.

Something that has never happened to me before takes me by surprise : I am feeling something. So when Lucy opens her eyes and lifts them to realize it's me, I'm almost disappointed but relieved that she jumps off me, blushing like hell. 

"S-sorry" she stammers, looking around her. 

"It's, uhm... o-okay" I respond, willing to kick myself in the balls I don't have. 

Oh come on, Kristie, you can't let her confuse you like this. Yes, you felt something weird, but it doesn't mean anything. Maybe there's still alcohol in your system ? As I am talking with myself, the defender in front of me starts smirking. 

I raise my eyebrow. 

"W-what ?" I ask. 

Get it together, Kristie

"Uhm... It might sound weird and it's not even funny but... You're comfortable." 

The awkwardness of the conversation makes us both burst into laughter, waking up the others. Once she manages to stop laughing, Lucy grabs her things and goes to the kitchen, where Jade and Leah are cooking breakfast. The brunette hugs them both, before I look away from her. I catch eyes with my sister. 

Sam looks concerned. 

"How did you sleep ?" I casually ask, while my other teammates are walking out of the room. I see Steph closing the door behind her as she exits, while my sister suspiciously looks at me. "What ?" 

She nods. 

"Well... What was that conversation all about ?" she asks. 

Uh oh.

"Nothing, we just woke up in an awkward position and that made us laugh" I say, praying that she is not suspecting anything. "Why is that bothering you so much ?"

"Not bothering... more like... confusing" Sam says, before shaking her head. "You know what ? Forget it. We should go and eat before they eat everything without us."


In the way to the door, my sister pulls me into a hug. Afterwards, we just go and sit in different places in the kitchen - as I am positioning myself as far away from Lucy that I can - but I still end up in front of Lucy, who seems focused on her food.

From time to time, we exchange looks. 


Training has been surprisingly fine. 

THE PLAYERS SERIES : K.M. {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now