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Arsenal v Man City


The locker room is ecstatic, filled with music and confidence, Izzy and Jill leading the 'dancing squad', as the rest of the girls are either trying to find peace in their own little world, while some of us are just putting the rest of our stuff on.

My locker buddies - numbers 15 and 17 - Leah Williamson and Lieke Martens, are as nervous as I am. 

I put my smile on, quickly joining my dancing teammates, trying to show the team that we got this : we worked all year long for this and deserve it - even though Arsenal players might tell you the exact same thing. 

I wrap my arm around SH and Shelina's shoulders, a smirk on my face. 

"C'mon, lads, let's get this thing done !" I yell, excited.

My teammates cheer : we have to do it.




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Game underway : 119'

The ball ends up right on my feet.

One step right.

A dribble left. 

Jump over the goalie.

See the defender coming with a hard tackle.

Shoot the ball.

Fall on the ground.

Wembley stadium erupts. 

I am soon surrounded by my teammates, as my head starts hurting : I received the keeper's glove on my face, and I gotta admit that my vision is blurry. As soon as Lieke - who is the first one to get there since she's a forward too - gets there and sees my face, she makes a cross sign to the medical staff.

Next thing I know, SH and Lucy's worried faces appear on top of me : I start feeling nauseous, and I know that that means : concussion. I close my eyes, as the captain says some comforting words. Lucy, on the other hand, is trying to hold her tears back, her hand on my shoulder, trying not to get to intimate. 

After a few minutes with the coaching staff, I have a hard time getting up, helped by SH and Sari Van Veenendaal, the Dutch goalie, who feels bad. I flash her a soft smile as she apologizes, before being helped out of the field by my teammates. 

When I sit down on the bench, a bucket of ice in my head, Kelsey wraps an arm around me, smiling. 

"Only two minutes of added time : we've got this." 

Our 3-2 lead, thanks to my goal, is our safety net. As Arsenal doesn't seem to be in the game anymore, the two minutes are going by. On the other side of me, excited, is Laura Feiersinger, a tear in her eyes. When she is subbed for Jade, my roomie immediately comes and hugs me. Bass is there too, a wide smile on her lips.

The coach, Nick, looks my way.

"Your goal will be the difference tonight, Kristie. Thank you."

I nod. 

When the final whistle blows, everybody jumps off the bench. I don't care about my injury anymore : we're England's champions after two years where Man City fell short. The fans are cheering loudly, as I throw the ice on the ground, jumping on Kelsey's back, as she gives me a piggy-back-ride. 

Then, I start running toward the larger crowd of people, until Lucy finds herself in my way. I hug her passionately, my lips on her neck. I feel her shiver, and can easily guess her smile when she says :

"You're incredible, babe"

With that said, she pulls away, knowing that the whole UK is watching that game right now. From what I've heard : record audience all over the country, and approximately 45'000 people in Wembley Stadium at the moment. 

She smiles and adds : 

"But be careful with your head, okay ?"

"Yes, my love."

I turn around, and find myself face to face with Shelina and SH, who just shared a hug. They both run toward me, before wrapping me into a group hug, on top of which KB and Amel feel free to jump. 

I don't think I've been that happy in ages. And I am not even going to try and describe the emotions I had lifting the FA Cup trophy, because it would take three whole books to even do the introduction.

I won a league for the first time in my career, and I'm just getting started.


The medical staff if very cautious when it comes to concussions.

As it is pretty clear that I will be out for the Champions League game against Lyon in a few days, I am feeling guilty : what if I let my team down ?

Of course SH, Lucy, Kelsey and Carli skipped the party to stay by my side, as I have to be under medication all night because of the possible head injury, and the terrible headache that stroke me after the game ended. I know all four of them can't stay all night - I mean, tomorrow is an off day, but spending a night awake three days away from travelling to Lyon is not the best thing in the world. 

As the co-captains (SH and Carli) are out of the room, Kelsey stares at me, rolling her eyes. 

"Don't you dare blaming yourself, Kristie" the keeper orders, as Lucy lifts her eyes to look at me. "Even the best players get hurt : you know that team, nobody will blame you for it, especially since you scored the winning goal tonight, so don't blame yourself and focus on coming back healthy for the finale."

That makes me smile. Damn, her inner Carli Lloyd popped up today. 

I nod. 

"Do you trust our team, Kristie ?" Lucy asks, dead serious.

"Yes" I say without even having to think about it.

That makes my girlfriend smile. 

"Then let up win this semi-final for you, babe." Lucy then says, a soft smile on her lips. She then leans in, softly kissing my lips, adding : "I love you."

"Aaaaaand I'm out" Kelsey lets out, before exiting the room.

Lucy and I both burst into laughter, before I invite Lucy to get into the bed next to me. She lies down next to me, slipping her arm under my neck as a pillow, before kissing my forehead.

I smile. 

"I love you."

I know I have amazing teammates and an even more amazing girlfriend, but in my guts I know I failed them in some way.

If they don't win the two legs against Lyon, I will feel guilty for the rest of my career...

THE PLAYERS SERIES : K.M. {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now