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My breath is cut short, as I see the Chelsea goalie's feet kicking Lucy's stomach. The defender heavily falls on the ground, as the rain that has been pouring down for an hour already is falling on her.

I rush toward the six, avoiding the goalie because all I want to do at the moment is punch her in the face. That's exactly was Demi wants to do as well, but thankfully, Chelsea's Millie Bright, England international, is there to calm things down.

I kneel down next to Lucy, and catch eyes with SH : this is not good. Lucy's crying, holding her stomach, her face on the ground. The ref is giving the Chelsea goalie a red card, and it looks like things are heating up because SH has to get up and yell. 

But my focus is on the defender. 

"Lucy" I softly say, my hand on her back.

I force her to turn on her back, in order for me to see what's going on. Then, I see it : her ribs, probably. The bruises I find when removing her jersey from her stomach are very, very dark.

She grins, her eyes closed. 

"C-call the m-medical staff" the brunette whispers in between two tears. 

I nod.

"They're coming. Stay strong, grab my hand as hard as you want if you need it" I say, trying to be helpful. Then, the words come out of my mouth without me noticing it : "I deserve it after how much of a jerk I've been to you." 

That somehow makes her smile. 

"Really ? You chose this moment to apologize ?" she smirks, but I can see she is in a clear pain. 

"We'll have a conversation"

Our actual conversation is cut short by the medical trainers, who soon surround us. I get up, leaving them space to operate, while I look around me. 

The girls from both teams are all gathered in the same spot, arguing. I immediately see the Chelsea goalie yelling at Demi, and then Millie holding her back. 

What is this mess ?

"Hey, stop !" I yell.

Crystal turns around, facing me. She then gives me a strange look. 

"Let them argue" she says, looking around her. "They calm down eventually."

"What the hell happened ?"

"The ref called a penalty" the former Spirit players says with a dark look on her face. 

"Wait" I say, shaking my head. "That's not fair... She sent off your goalie already, it shouldn't be a penalty !"

The striker nods. 

"Soccer, I guess." she sighs, shaking her head. "Good luck for the rest of the game."

"You too" I say thoughtful.

Once the drama is over, and that Demi has calmed down, Lucy is subbed out for Leah, who runs toward her position. As always, SH is about to take the penalty.

But I tap her shoulder.

"This is not a penalty" I whisper, shaking my head. 

She nods. 

"What are you suggesting ?" the captain asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Let me take it."

SH knows exactly what I am thinking about. She thinks for a second, before saying :

THE PLAYERS SERIES : K.M. {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now