Good morning fairytail

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Mira POV
So today the schedule is to have a beach day , we're going to have surfing lessons , go out on a pontoon boat and do some fishing/ swimming, and we're going to have a beach bonfire once it gets dark. Hopefully today some amazing will happen, when I woke up mostly all the girls were awake already. Erza and I started on breakfast for the girls while lisanna and evergreen started making breakfast for the guys , juvia and Wendy were the last girls to wake up but when juvia woke up she looked very confused and then went to the guys room , and when she came back she was all smiles for some reason. I told the girls a hour earlier before we had to leave to start getting ready . Then erza , Lucy and I decided to get the guys up . I got Laxus , gajeel ,pantherlily and master up while Lucy got natsu , happy and Romeo up and erza got jellal and pretty much everyone else up , I guess ever and lisanna got bixslow and elfman up when they started cooking. I it was a pain in my butt to get Laxus up , that man can sleep it's crazy . From the room next door I hear Lucy yelling " Lucy Kick " off the top of her lungs , I hope she got Romeo up nicer then natsu, Lucy can be another like me or erza when we get angry , you really don't want to mess with the three of us when we get angry.

Lucy POV
"Luce what was that about I was just dreaming about you " natsu said getting up off the floor , I just ignored natsu and woke up Romeo " Romeo , it's time to get up , we're heading to the beach today " I said putting my hand on his side nudging him a little.  "mom , five more minutes" Romeo said half asleep , it surprised me at first but and still tried waking him up " Romeo , your really have to wake up now , breakfast is ready in the living room " I said nudging him a little more , this time he woke up " good morning sleepy head , breakfast is ready and we're heading to the beach today so go ahead and get dress " I said smiling at him , I thought natsu left already but I guess he was watching me the whole time , I turned to walk out and natsu looked at me and smiled. I went to back to the girls room and ate breakfast, after breakfast everyone finished up getting ready for the beach. I put on my white bathing suit with a pink flower on the top , I was the first one ready so I told Mira I would wait down stairs in the lobby, plus I wanted some coffee and they have a coffee shop down there. I walked out the girls room and to the elevator, then I hit the lobby button , when I got down to the lobby , jake was already in my face annoying the crap out of me , I walk over towards the coffee shop and place my order and I sat and waited for everyone, jake was still trying to get me to talk to him . I really hate how thirsty this guy is , like does he have a life . As I'm sitting here I started imagining how my futures going to be , I know I'll be with nastu and I know we'll probably have kids, I wonder what we'll name our kids , maybe nashi for a girls name and I think natsu would like igneel for a boy . Ugh I can't believe I'm thinking about this right now , kids with natsu , that's something I never thought would happen. But now that I see this part of him I honestly think it's possible.

Nastu's POV
After Lucy woke me up, I got ready for the beach. I thought it was cute how she woke up Romeo the way she woke him up was so motherly, he even called her mom while he was half asleep. I'm scared to have kids honestly, I feel like I'd be a horrible father , I'm stupid I pick fights all the time and I can't do a mission without destroying a building or two. I just want to be a good example for my kids, and with mating season just around the corner I know I'll be a father to be soon. As I was thinking about all of this I noticed I already walked into the living room , I guess the smell of food was pulling me in. I sat and ate a good natsu serving of food and by the time I was finished eating everyone was done getting ready, I went over to the girls room to see if they were ready yet and all of them were , I looked around and noticed Lucy wasn't with them " hey girls where's Lucy ? " I asked , very concerned " oh she's down in the lobby she said she'd meet us there because she wanted to get coffee from the place down stairs, she left about 15 minutes ago " Mira said putting her hair up in a ponytail. Everyone made there way to the lobby , me with a little speed in my step , I had a bad feeling in my stomach. As soon as the elevator hit the lobby floor , I was the first one out the door . I started scanning the area , until my eyes landed on a blonde haired chocolate brown eyes beauty sitting at a table being harassed by that jake guy , that guy pisses me off so much. I'm pretty sure most of the guys hate him actually, I walk over to Lucy and Jake and wrap my arm around Lucy giving the death glare and Jake. " hey Lucy is this guy bothering you ?" I asked in a very loud and sarcastic manner " yes he is actually, he hasn't left me alone since I got in the lobby , and I don't know how many times he's tried to make a move on me " she stated coldly I looked at him and he ran away like a little child that didn't get was they wanted , seeing the grown man act this way Lucy and I just busted out laughing.

(Please read all)

I'm having a blast writing this story , feel free to give me your ideas and I'll make sure to use them in some way as long as it goes along with my story , I have some ideas for some new stories but I wanted to make sure I got far enough in this story to work on a new one . And I wanted to thank the people who have been commenting and voting on this story , it means a lot to me getting your feed back , I'm sorry for making this so long 🙏🏼😣

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