The trip

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Lucy's POV
I woke up next to natsu again , I smiled to myself thinking how lucky I am , but then I looked at the clock " OH CRAP, NATSU WAKE UP , WE OVER SLEPT " I screamed pulling him out of bed "NATSU , WE ONLY HAVE TEN MINUTES TO GET TO THE GUILD " I said that which made him shot right up " come on Lucy we got to go " wait I have to change " I complained " ugh fine , hurry , they'll leave without us " he said , it took me a minute to get dress " alright I'm done, let's go"

He grabbed our bags and ran to the guild , I carried happy in my arms, he was still kinda sleepy.
We ran and made it just in time to greet everyone, " okay everyone I have your seating arrangement, come look " Mira yelled

In my car was levy , gajeel , gray , juvia , Mira , laxus , natsu , Wendy , Romeo , Ezra , jellal , and the exceeds
In the front driving was Mira , beside her was laxus , behind them was me and natsu , Wendy and Romeo. Behind us was gray and juvia ,levy and gajeel , and the exceeds we're in the back back with Ezra and jellal 
                        Like this________
                    Mira     Laxus
      Natsu , Lucy , Wendy , Romeo
          Juvia , gray , levy , gajeel
                Exceeds,  Ezra , jellal

Back to Lucy's POV
Mira told us all to get into the magical van and buckle up because it was going to be a long car ride to the resort. " hey lu , did you bring your novel " levy asked me sounding excited ,I laughed.   " yes I brought my novel " I reached into my bag I had on my lap and handed it to her , her eyes sparkled looking at it. She's the only person I've ever let read my novel , it's pretty personal and it's embarrassing to be honest. I let her read it for the ride I was a little bit nervous seeing that gray and gajeel were next to her. But i started getting tired so I just fell asleep in my seat.

Natsu's POV
I saw that Luce fell asleep and I don't think she realized that she fell asleep on my shoulder. I didn't mind but I saw that Mira was freaking out in her seat , I look over and see the gajeel was staring at me , he smirked and gave me a thumbs up, I nodded and smiled knowing what he meant. I heard Laxus snicker a bit and I knew I was safe , I noticed Luce didn't cover her mark on her neck or any of my love marks , and the way she was laying it was pretty visible. I don't think anyone noticed though.

Gajeel's POV
So salamander finally made her his mate , lucky him. I'm still trying to forgive myself for hurting levy back then, I just feel like I don't deserve a girl like her as my mate she's to good for me.  But that doesn't stop me from wanting her anyways, her sent is just so addicting I can't get enough. I just hate myself even more for hurting her the way I did, the more I love her the more I hate myself. I want to tell her , I need to tell her . I looked over at her , she was reading bunny girls novel , I look closer at the words and was surprised at what I read . Woaw bunny girls kinky , I giggle to myself, I hope levy takes some notes "gihi " yikes I just laughed out loud " gajeel what are you laughing at ? everyone's asleep " levy looked at me curiously " oh , it's nothing , just thinking to myself is all " I responded hoping she bought it , she seemed convinced since she just continued reading. I rested my head in my hand and fell asleep.

Two hours passed

Lucy's POV
I woke up in natsu's arms , he and everyone else were asleep except Mira , Laxus , levy and I were awake " hey Mira how long have we been on the road ? " I asked curiously " um two hours now , we still have four more to go " she yawed sounding exhausted " hey Mira let's stop soon so we can get a break for a minute and so you can rest a bit , or switch places with someone else so you can sleep " I suggested  " yeah I was going to stop here soon , go ahead and wake everyone up there's a town coming up " she said sweetly. I looked over at  natsu and  smiled at his sleeping face I turned and patted Wendy and Romeo on the shoulders   , " Wendy ? Romeo ? It's time to get up , we're stopping for food soon" I said remembering how my mother used to wake me up

Natsu's POV
I woke up and realized that Luce wasn't In my arms , I look over and see her waking up the younger guild members in the van , it reminded me of how a mother would wake up her children , sweet and loving. She turned to me and smiled , " did you wake up because i said food?" she giggled and drove me crazy. "No I didn't even hear you say the word ," food" "I replied acting a bit childish, I guess she thought I was being funny because she laughed and came close to my ear and whispered " now now natsu , stop being childish, your driving me crazy being cute like that " I blushed like crazy . It's a good thing no one saw that. I turn around and saw that Luce was waking up gray and juvia and I got a good view 😏 if you know what I mean. Eventually everyone was awake and chatting " okay everyone were stopping here for a hour and a half . Eat , and stretch out your legs and meet everyone back at the van so we can get back on the road." Mira said stoping the van and turning off the engine. I looked at Luce and smiled at her. She started blushing I got out of the van and helped her out , we headed to the near by restaurant but we got stopped by everyone and they all tagged along , I didn't mind I just went with it considering mine and Lucy's relationship is a secret for now , we all went inside and got a table , it was lunch hour so it was a bit busy but we all enjoyed ourselves, Luce sat with Ezra and levy and I sat over here by gajeel and Mira , I felt someone nudge me a little , I looked to my right and looked at Mira she was smiling " hey natsu, did you know Lucy was sleeping on you on the way here , she was smiling in her sleep the whole time " she said while giggling . I blushed and shock my head " when I woke up she was were waking everyone up so I hadn't realized " I said " oh and your were holding her after you fell asleep , do you guys sleep In the same bed a lot?" She asked . I was shocked at her words I looked over to Lucy and she was talking to levy about her book , "um... kinda , I mean I check on her at night , to make sure she's okay , because she's been having nightmares a lot lately and I worry about her so when I see her having a nightmare I climb into her bed and hold her to clam her down " I said , she looked at me in complete shock.   " OMG , NATSU " she yelled causing everyone to look at her. I looked over to Lucy and shock my head , showing that I didn't tell her , she just nodded " I didn't realize you were so sweet and caring natsu , NALU is so going to be real " Mira said smiling like crazy , we all ate and left the restaurant and got to stretch out a bit. I pulled Luce over , away from everyone " natsu what was that all about in there ? " she said sounding worried " Mira asked me if we sleep In the same bed , so I told her that I only sleep next to you when you have nightmares, then she yelled like that " I said , hoping Luce doesn't get mad at me. " alright , I mean it is a very sweet thing of you to do , so I understand why she yelled like that " I blushed at her words  " oh and I think you should go to the bathroom and cover those " I said pointing at her neck " oh yeah I forgot this morning since we were in a hurry , you know you didn't have to leave so many , some of these are going to be there for weeks " she said sighing , she playfully punched my arm and ran to the bathroom , she's so damn cute I thought to myself. I walked over to the van and waited for everyone to come back , Wendy and Erza came back first , they've become very close lately and after they came back , gray and juvia along with happy came and honestly I don't get why gray hasn't told juvia about his feeling , I mean his life would become so much better. Even though be and him fight all the time I still care about him and I know that he pushes people away that he cares about, but I understand why he does it. Luce finally came back with levy and gajeel , gajeel was carrying levy like a sack of potatoes again , I know he still hates himself for hurting levy back then. I can see it when he looks at her. Eventually Everyone came back to the van , Laxus and Mira came last , I smirked cause I could tell what they were just doing 😏 , I've known for a while now that him and Mira were together, I don't know why they won't tell anyone. I mean master already things of Mira as family he's a big miraxus shipper. We get back on the road and about thirty minutes in Wendy says something and everyone's eyes almost pop out of there head " can we play a game , Mira I'm pretty bored" Wendy said. Poor little thing she doesn't know what she just did , Laxus was driving now so Mira turned around in the passenger seat and I prepared myself for the worst. " that's a great idea Wendy , how about we play truth or dare " Mira said with a evil grin and fire in her eyes. " WENDY !! " everyone said at the same time. " Mira , I don't think-..." Luce was cut off , after trying to talk Mira out of it " I'll start , gray truth or dare " Mira said " um...dare " gray said sounding a bit scared " I dare you to hold juvia's hand for 20 minutes straight " Mira said. And so it begins I thought as I sweatdrop 😅

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