Arrival part 1

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Natsu POV

It's been 9 months and none of the girls have shown anything signs of going into labor. It's driving me crazy I thought there was this timer and like as soon as they hit the 9 months date, then poof they go into labor. I want to see my kids and hold them and protect them. But I'm still having to wait, I've been getting ready for the hospital and packing clothes and dippers and pillows and food for me and Lucy and the baby's . Just in case she might going into labor, just as i was packing i heard screaming from next door in levy and gajeels place. i look out the window and i see gajeel running with a screaming levy in his arms. i went down stairs where lucy was and told her what i saw and then she shot up and told me to take her to the hospital to be with levy. i nodded and picked her up, i haven't wanted her to walk much because i don't want her to get to over worked. I've been doing all the house work, attempting to cook while catching a few things on fire in the process, and I've been making sure lucy has everything she needs.

I took lucy to the hospital, i didn't mind talking her because if she went into labor she would already be here. I'm really hoping its soon, we walk inside and i see gajeel pacing back and forth. I've never seem this huge touch guy so worried before it was kinda amusing, but then again I'll be in his shoes soon... hopefully. "gajeel, hows everything? is everything alright?" lucy asked but he just ignored her and kept pacing but he was muttering under his breath."I'm gunna be a dad " over and over again. He sounds really nervous, porlyusica wouldn't let him in the delivery room so he's freaking out. I bet I could say anything to him right now and he wouldn't notice " gajeel your a stupid metal head" I yelled... nothing , nothing at all no comeback or a punch he just kept pacing. So I sat down next to Lucy and I held her hand and let her lay her head on my shoulder.

We sat like that for a good 30 minutes before Laxus came running through the hospital doors carrying a scary ass Mira in his arms. I got chills as she went by. Lucy just got more worried now having two of her friends in the delivery room. I was more worried about her , she could go into labor at any moment.

A few more hours went by and gajeel went crazy, he heard a baby crying, well I mean I heard it too. We heard it coming from down the hall, I was guessing from levys room. Seconds later midnight came through the double doors and she had this sparkle in her eyes. " Gajeel , levys asking for you" she says and smiles. Gajeel bolted through the doors and down the hall so fast I doubt Jet would be able to catch up with him. Matter of fact were is Jet and Droy, I haven't seen them for a while and normally it's hard not to see them when they fallow Levy like little puppies all the time , they cried for three days after they found out levy was pregnant with gajeels child.

The unexpected vacation ( fairy tail) * Completed*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें