JERZA surprise

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Erza's POV
The whole car ride be and jellal barely talked to each other . I was going crazy with how nervous I was. It just got worse with the truth or dare game from hell, Mira started. I had to kiss jellal and confess that I like someone going on this trip. I haven't said anything about his so called  "fiancé" but I'll confront him about it later. We just got to the resort and we were showed our room by a very flirtatious worker , he even asked if us girls were single , I wanted to get away from that guy as soon as possible. On the way to our room we ran into the guys apparently there staying the room next door to us, we have a connecting room meaning there's a door the connects the guys room to ours, and our rooms share a big balcony. I looked around and noticed Lucy wasn't with us , then she walked in the room and started unpacking her stuff " hey Lucy , where were you just now " I asked she just said she had to talk to natsu about getting along with gray , I didn't question it . Mira was next door talking to the guys about the schedule for the trip . I was already done unpacking my room so I decided to head to the balcony, I watched to amazing view . We had a unbelievable view of the ocean , it was late in the day so the sun was about to set. I heard one of the doors open I didn't bother to look who it was , I just kept looking at the ocean" Erza , is everything alright?" A small little voice said " oh hey Wendy , yeah I'm fine I was just thinking about some stuff" I said still looking at the horizon playing with a piece of my scarlet hair in my hand. Wendy gave me a hug and then went back inside I started thinking about the tower of heaven and my childhood , I wish things happened differently but in the end it made me stronger . Someone else came outside and I knew who it was " hello jellal " I said turning to face him" hey Erza , is something wrong" he asked sounding concerned " I've just been thinking about some things " I replied " things like the tower of heaven ?" I was shocked at his words , how did he know "yes , that is correct . Since I found out that you were joining us on this trip I've been thinking a lot about you " I said looking back at the sun that was now setting , making the sky this beautiful orange color and the reflection of the sun on the water was just captivating."Erza , I'm so deeply sorry for putting you through all of that it's one of the many things I regret most , I almost killed you , I forgot everything I put you through and ...I lied to you " jellal said with sadness in his eyes , I looked at him and saw a tear run down his face " jellal?" I said " I wish I could change things , I wish I could have done things differently, I wish I told you how I really felt instead of lying to you, I just wish you could one day forgive me for all my mistakes " he said , at this point he was crying hard in the palms of his hand against the railing." Jellal , I forgave you a while ago , and it wasn't you in the tower of heaven that was zeref, and I know you lied to me back before the GMG at the beach " I said placing my hands on his face , looking into his eyes , tears threatening to fall from my eyes " I know your hurting yourself to make up for your sins , I know that you love me and I know you , keep yourself as far away from me as possible because it hurts you even more because you can't be with me , but you know what jellal , while your doing all of that to yourself , your hurting me even more then any of that other stuff combined. I love you jellal and I've been waiting so long to be with you and to finally feel what love feels like , what it feels like to have another person care for me to the point were they can't go one day without seeing or talking to me , I invy lucy and levy so much because they have someone who's always there for them , to protect them and to keep each other company, I spend most of my time alone jellal , I don't do anything most of the time , I go to the guild and come home and that's it , my life is lonely without you " I said crying my eyes out into his chest banging my fist against his chest . I looked up at jellal who had a shocked expression , tears falling down his face , then he KISSED me he really kissed me , I was shocked at first but I closed my eyes and melted into his lips , wanting more and more the longer our lips connected, we separated and I blushed looking towards the ocean again, I was speechless

Sorry about this chapter is was pretty shitty , I suck at this writing stuff , but I'm trying to improve my writing skills , I promise the next chapter will be better

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