My Secret Thinking place

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Juvia POV
As everyone was getting ready for bed I decided to take a walk , I wasn't tired yet and I wanted to see if there were any quiet places I could go to . I like going to my secret place back in magnolia, it's this beautiful river a little ways into the forest by fairy tail . I go there when I'm upset or when I just want to get away. I wish I was there now siting by the river thinking about the things. As I was walking I noticed a quiet little area , it was a little bit of a walk from the hotel but it looks amazing. It's a little pond there's a bench to sit on and it's lit up perfectly. I sat down on the bench and just cleared my head , this is the time I normally think about grey-Sama , my future, my past . Lastly I've been thinking about my past a lot , I've been throwing so much , I was about cast , I was bullied , and I never had anyone truly care about me. I was starting to get a little sleepy so I thought I should head back by this place was so relaxing and comforting. I started dazing off before I knew it I was asleep.

* time skip to the next morning *

I woke up in my bed , the sun was beaming me in the face. 'how did I end up here' I thought to myself. i could smell a amazing smell coming from the living room area, i got up and got on one of my new dresses from that shopping day with lucy , levy , and the guys. it was light blue with snowflake's all over it, i know its not winter but gray picked it out for me and i feel very close with him now. we went through a lot during the grand magic games, i feel like he cares about me less as his stalker and more as his friends i guess id love it if he thought of me more as a girlfriend. i head to the living room , i saw mira and erza cooking breakfast , bacon , eggs , pancakes , walffles , biscuits , and my personal favorite hashbrowns. it all smelled amazing, i sat down on the couch with levy and lucy as they watched tv . " hey levy and love rival , do either of you know how i got into my room last night " i asked sounding like a crazy person " um juvia i think we're the wrong people to talk to about this because lucy and i share a room and we were the first people in bed last night , why don't you ask lisanna isn't she your roommate" levy said , she had a point " juvia if you weren't in your room last night where were you?" lucy asked sounding a bit concerned. " i was out thinking about thinks , and i could have sworn i fell asleep on a bench by accident " i said , feeling bad i didn't take more concern in my well being. i got up and went to go see were lisanna was at , i didn't see her in the girls room so i guessed she was in the guys room, i walked through the door in between our rooms as soon as i walked into there room i saw lisanna cooking and evergreen cooking food for the guys. " hey lisanna , how did i get into our room last night, i could have sworn i fell asleep somewhere else last night ." i asked "oh i know , gray brought you into our room while you were sleeping, it was really cute he even kissed your forehead , when i tell mira shes going to flip" she said , putting natsu sized servings on a plate . i looked around the guys room and only saw elfman , bixslow, and happy in the living room, " where are all the guys at " i asked ," most of them are still asleep, just our boyfriends and happy are the only ones awake " evergreen said sounding annoyed . i was very happy hearing what gray did , it made me smile. i went back to the girls room to eat breakfast , i was smiling like crazy the whole time

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