Chapter 38

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Erin's POV

"Ha-Harry I'm going to-to be--UGH!" I said, spewing everywhere, "Le-let's go get another drink" Harry stuttered as we both stumbled towards the bar, ordering six shots and two glasses of vodka, we downed three shots each and drank our drink, "Lets dance" I said, grabbing Harry's arm and leading us to the dance floor. I stood with my back pressed against Harry's chest and I was grinding against him, his hands on my hips and my hands trailing up his neck, he was whispering things into my ear.

As you can tell we were both very very drunk but we were enjoying ourselves.

I'm pretty sure there was people taking photos of us which I'm guessing would end up in some magazine in the next few days, but oh well.


"Erin you were totally wasted last night" Louis said looking through all the photos that were taken and uploaded online, I chuckled as I screen grabbed them and re-uploaded them on my Instagram/twitter, "I was having a good time" I defended, "I like wasted Erin" Harry commented, "Yeah you would" Louis said showing us a picture of the two of us 'dancing' together. I chuckled as I saved some pictures, ignoring some nasty comments and thanking some nice ones.

"Well, did you have fun last night?" Niall asked, "From what I am remember, yes, it was a great night" I said, chuckling, "I'm leaving now, bye everyone, bye Erin" Luke said hugging me, "Be safe Luke, I love you" I said as he walked away out the door, "I can't believe he's going to be 17 in October" I stated, "I know, it feels like jut yesterday he was 14, almost 15, and helping us with the Connor thing and everything" Harry said, "Oh yeah, it's been two years, hasn't it" I said, "Yeah, why?" Harry asked, "Connor gets out soon" I said, "He won't come near you Erin" he reassured, I smiled and lay my head on his shoulder.

... 2 Months later (tour is over) ...

"Erin there's a letter here for you" Harry said giving me the letter for me while opening the ones that were his, I looked at mine, it was from America, Hollywood to be precise, I opened it while Ace was jumping up at me, I hadn't saw him in ages, he wasn't a puppy any more, he was a big dog now, but he was still my baby.

Dear Miss Erin Brown,

We here at Hollywood film studios would like to offer you the chance to audition for a main role in an upcoming Hollywood movie. We heard you were interested in acting and wanted to pursue a career in acting, we were given information about you and have came to the conclusion you would be perfect for the role.

However, we also know you have a signed contract with boy band one direction and we would be willing to buy you out of it if you wish.

We also know you live with your younger brother and we would be delighted if you both would come over and live in Hollywood in the house we will give you.

If, however, you wish to decline this invitation to the audition, just ignore this letter, if you would like to audition, call the number below between September 12th and September 20th and we will give you the details you need.


Yours sincerely,

Mr D.Burns

Hollywood Film Studios

(Sorry I don't know American phone numbers so it might not be the correct amount of numbers or whatever)

I gasped loudly, "What's up babe?" Harry asked, I showed him the letter and he laughed, I scowled, "What are you laughing at Harry?" I asked, "You're not going to take it, are you?" he asked, "Why wouldn't I take it Harry? You get to live your dream, why don't I get to live mine?" I asked, "I thought yours was to be a stylist?" he asked, "Yeah if I couldn't become an actress, I don't want to just do people's hair for the rest of my life Harry" I said, "You're going to leave me and move to Hollywood?" He said, "Don't dare start about me leaving you Harry, you were the one who left to go to X factor and move to London, just as well I wanted to move to London, it isn't all about you Harry, sometimes I have to think of myself, it's not as if we're not going to see each other, or call or text or Skype or visit" I said, he sighed, "Sorry, its just- I don't want you to leave" he said, "I'm only auditioning, who says i'll even get the part?" I said, "Yore right. Okay, go call them, i'll tell Luke" he said, I nodded and called the number.

"Hello" a voice answered, "This is Erin Brown, I received a letter saying I had to call this number if I was interested in auditioning for an upcoming movie and I am" I said, "Oh, yes! Of course! When are you free to audition?" the lady asked, "Well after Friday I'm pretty much free for weeks" I said, "Great, we'll book you and your brothers flights for Saturday night and a hotel for a week and a half for you both all expenses paid, you will receive more information when you arrive in LA, bring money if you wish but it will have to be dollars" she said, "Okay, thank you" I said as I hung up, my smile was huge, I couldn't keep it off my face.

"Someone is happy" Harry said, "Yeah, Luke and I leave on Saturday night for Hollywood for a week and a half, all expenses paid and I audition for a movie, what haven't I got to be happy about?" I said, "Maybe the fact you're leaving me" Harry said, "I'm not leaving you Harry. I'm following my dreams, I thought you of all people would understand" I said, "I do Erin, I know and I understand, but I-I.." I cut him off, "You think i'll leave you for Channing Tatum" I said chucking, he laughed, "Yeah that's it Erin, I'm scared in case you leave me for Channing Tatum" he said, "I knew it, you're totally jealous of him" I said pecking his lips.

"I'm only joking Harry, I would never leave you for Channing Tatum, but Dave Franco, that's a totally different story" I said laughing, "I wonder what movie it will be" I said, "Maybe a re-make of something" Harry suggested, "Or a new one" he added, I chuckled but nodded, "Come on, let's go out for ice cream" Harry suggested, I followed him to his car.

"It's going to be so strange" I said, "What will be strange?" Harry asked, "Like, if I get the part in the movie, just how much my life will change" I explained, "Yeah but it's your dream" he said, "I never said anything about it being bad" I said laughing, he chuckled as we pulled up to the ice cream parlour.

... Friday ...

"Come on Erin, we're going to miss the limo" Harry said, "Bye Luke! Don't dare throw a party or invite anyone else other than the people I said you could or I will murder you and you won't come to Hollywood tomorrow" I warned him, "Got it, bye, have fun" he said as Harry and I left for the premiere of a movie.

"Okay, we're going to be on the red carpet and will probably be interviewed, if you don't feel like answering a question then don't answer it" Harry explained, "Got it" I said as we were sat in the limo with Louis, Eleanor, Liam, Sophia, Zayn, Perrie and Niall.

"So, Erin, I heard that you were auditioning for a movie in Hollywood? Why didn't you tell any of us?" Louis said, "Who told you all?" I asked, "Harry" Louis said, "I wanted to keep it secret until I was back and knew if I had the part or not, obviously I would tell you guys first" I said laughing, "You look really good tonight Erin, where did you get your dress from?" Perrie asked, changing the subject, "Oh, um, I don't actually know, it was a birthday present from my old best friend from Holmes Chapel" I said, "Well she has great taste, it's beautiful" she said, "Thank you" I said.

"When do you leave for Hollywood?" Eleanor asked, "Tomorrow afternoon, Harry you will look after Ace, right?" I said, "Erin he's a huge dog, he'll be the one looking after me" Harry said laughing, "He's still my baby, and he isn't that big, he's just chubby" I said chuckling, "Of course babe, it's just puppy fat" he said trying to be funny, "Harry that was such a bad joke" I said laughing at how bad it was, "I'm sorry I can't crack funny jokes" he said, I laughed as we pulled up at the movie premiere.

"What is this the premiere for?" I asked, "The hunger games" Louis answered (PRETEND IT IS) I nodded, "I've read the books, I'm so excited to see this" I said, Harry chuckled as he put his arm around my waist until we got to the red carpet, when we got there, he grabbed my hand, we walked up to a group of girls and Harry signed things and took pictures with them while I answered questions for some girls, they were actually really sweet in comparison of what I had heard about some of the boys' fans being 'crazy'.

-follow me on Instagram @noterinlol thanks-

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