Chapter 25

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Erin's POV

"I'm sorry for what I said last night, you didn't have to come Harry" I said hugging him, "I know, but it was the right thing to do. How are feeling?" he asked, "Terrible, disgusting, in need of a bath, disgusted, a mess, terrible, did I mention disgusting?" I said, "I'm sorry baby" Harry mumbled, looking as though he was on the verge of tears, "What?" I asked, "I failed, I promised you I would protect you and that I wouldn't let anyone hurt you and I failed before with Connor and jay and now I've failed again" he said, "Harry there's nothing you could have done" I said.

"But I could have tried" he said, I embraced him in a massive hug, never wanting to let go ever, but I knew I had to soon, "You have to rest before you go back to London" I ordered, "Come with me" he said, "What?" I asked, "Come to London with me" he repeated, "I still have a year left of school Harry, I can't just leave everything here, and Luke I'm not leaving him" I stated, "Take him with you, tell your mum it's in everyone's best interest, finish school in London, come on Erin you always wanted to move to London and now you can" he said, "But, I'm scared" I admitted, "I will be there for you Erin" he said, "I will think about it and tell you soon" I said, he nodded as we walked into my house.

"Morning Erin" my father said, "Don't fucking speak to me ever again, you're lucky I'm not calling the police on you" I said, "Look I'm sorry" he said, "No, no you're not, once was bad enough but you had to do it again, you aren't worthy enough to be my father" I stated, running upstairs with Harry hot on my trails, by this time I was full blown tears, Harry was calming me down by rubbing circles into my back, "Come on i'll run a bath for you and you can relax" Harry said shifting me from my spot on his lap, walking to the bathroom and running the taps.

Five minutes later Harry came back into the room, "You can go into the bath, i'll pack your suitcase for you" he said, "What?" I asked, "I'm not letting you stay here Erin, whether you decide to come to London or not, you're not staying here" he said, I smiled and pecked his lips, "Pack everything i'll need up, then pack everything left that Luke will need too and Ace's things" I said before going into the bathroom, Harry really was the best boyfriend ever.

Luke's POV

I hadn't received a text from Erin saying everything was okay, I was worried. It was Saturday morning at half past seven and I was still awake, I decided to call her mobile, "Hello?" a deep voice answered, "Harry? I thought you were in London for X factor?" I asked, "Luke, something bad has happened and I don't want to tell you it, Erin has to" he said, "Harry, what has happened to my sister?" I asked, "I'll go get her" he said, I heard rustling, and then Erin's voice, "Lukey" she said, "Erin what's wrong?" I asked, "H-he did it again" she whispered, "What? Speak up" I said, "Luke he raped me again, I'm leaving here" she said, "You can't leave me Erin! I can't cope with them alone, you promised me!" I said almost crying, "Don't worry Luke, I'm coming to London, Harry's packing the rest of your things and I'm in the bath, he's packing our things and I'm leaving this afternoon, I'm going to work things out with mum and we'll finish school in London, just don't tell mum about him raping me" she said sounding pleading, "Why? You have to tell her" I said, "No! I'm not ruining her marriage with him Luke, they love each other and I won't ruin that" she said, "I'll see you later Luke" she said, "Bye Erin, be safe, I love you" I said, "I love you too lukey" she replied before hanging up, now I have to wait for her to come to me.

Erin's POV

I climbed out of the bath and put on the clean clothes I brought with me, I walked into the bedroom where Harry was, "I-I'm coming to London with you, I've already told Luke" I said, "That's great, we'll get food and set off?" he asked, "I have to ask my father something first, load the car up and put Ace in their too, just let me talk to him" I said, "No Erin" he said, "Harry I have to know why he did it, and I still want to say goodbye to him" I stated, "Fine but you will have only five minutes, I don't trust him Erin" he said, "And neither do I, ill see you in five minutes Harry" I said pecking his cheek before walking downstairs to where my father was sitting on the couch.

"Why did you do it?" I asked, "Excuse me?" he said, "Why did you rape me?" I asked, "Because I wanted you to realise that not everybody is what they seem, that even the people you love can take advantage of you, then they gain your trust again and then bam! They hurt you again, it was a lesson Erin, to show you to be careful who you trust, that everybody can hurt you, even your own father, also I was very drunk" he said, "Well I'm leaving and not coming back, goodbye" I said, "Bye Erin, and remember what I said about trusting people you love and i'll give you money for whatever you need, i'll give you £1000 if you don't tell your mother" he said, "Im not telling her anyway, but yeah the money would be good, transfer it into my account" I said before I left the house and sat in the car with Harry, "So why did he do it?" he asked, "He's a lunatic, that's why and he's giving me money" I lied, I was a bad liar, Harry probably knew I was lying, "Erin, lying doesn't work on me remember" he said, "Just drop it and let's go get food" I said, "Okay baby, any preferences?" he asked, "McDonald's" I said as he drove to McDonald's.


"Okay, come on we'll book you a room in this hotel and call Luke and sort things out" Harry said as we got into the hotel and booked a room for me for tonight, "I'll call Luke" I said calling him, "Are you in London yet Erin?" Luke asked, "Yes, where are you?" I asked, "We're near Big Ben and the London bridge" he said, "That's great, me too, i'll meet you at the London eye in ten minutes, bring mum" I ordered, "Okay Erin" he said before I hung up, "This is it" I said before Harry and I left to go meet mum and Luke, taking Ace a wander around London.

"Erin! What are you doing all the way down in London?" mum asked, "Mum, don't get mad or upset when I say this, but I can't live with you and dad anymore" I said, "What? Why not?" she asked, "I don't like living there, it doesn't feel like home and I'm moving to London, dad knows and he gave me money, I'm finishing school here and also Luke is staying with me as he doesn't want to live alone with you two because you always leave for business trips and it won't be fair on him, well be okay i'll get a part time job and we'll have plenty of money" I stated, "Well I knew this day was coming and I'm sorry for failing and being a bad mother, take care of Luke, Erin. I will help you find an apartment if you want" she said, "Its okay mum, I've already saw one I like" I lied, "Well if yore sure. I'm going home then, call me if you need anything" she said leaving. Just like that.

"Well goodbye to you too mother" I mumbled as she left, "Come on we'll get to the hotel and go house hunting" I said, "I thought you saw an apartment" Luke said, "Well do you really want mum to come with us?" I said, he shook his head, "Exactly" I said, "Are you okay Erin?" Luke asked, "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, "Don't act stupid" he said, "I just don't want to talk about it, I want to forget about it" I said reaching into my pocket for my phone only finding an envelope, I pulled it out and read it 'for Erin, I'm sorry I wasn't a great mother, here's help for your future - mum' I opened it and there was loads of money in it, "Mum has left us loads of money, plus I have money our father gave me" I said, "Let's just rest today" Luke said, "We can't, Harry had his show tonight, you have to go rehearse, Luke and I will go look for an apartment while you go back to the X factor" I said, "I'm not leaving you" Harry said, "Just go Harry!" I ordered, he sighed but left anyway.

"Lets go, the quicker we get somewhere to live and get settled, the better, we have to leave Ace in here though" I said a we both went to the local housing department.


Luke and I and Ace were settled in our two bedroom apartment, it was close to the local secondary school, where we both would attend next week, and there was a shopping mall around the corner, it was near the river Thames and the London bridge, Big Ben and London eye, so it was very local.

I had applied for a couple of part time jobs, after school/Saturday jobs so I could keep us on our feet. I hadn't met any friends yet but I heard Eleanor lived in this area so I had to text her and find out, also when I went to school I'm sure I would find new friends, it will be nice to start fresh where nobody knows about my father raping me. I was excited.

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