Chapter 7

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Erin's POV

"I'm so tired" I said collapsing on the sofa, "Me too, do you want a cup of tea?" Luke asked, I smiled and nodded, whoever marries my little brother is going to be the luckiest girl in the world, he's such a sweet heart and always thinks of other people first even though he has a reputation. Much like Harry.

I sipped my tea, drinking it all before telling Luke I was off to bed, I lay in bed and snuggled up checking my phone, I had a text from Harry.

From Harry: Good night Erin, sleep well xo

To Harry: Night Harry x

I locked my phone and set my alarm, knowing Luke would have to wake me up anyway, I fell into a deep sleep dreaming of nothing, as far as I can remember.

"Get your arse up Erin" Luke whined shaking me, "I'm up" I mumbled sitting up, "You're going to school today" I said, he nodded getting out my room and leaving me to get dressed, I curled my bright red hair and applied natural make up, i was wearing my uniform and my backpack was over my shoulder as I grabbed my phone and had a text from Harry

From Harry: morning, see you at school

I put my phone in my pocket and left the house with Luke, "Remember not to lose that key Luke" I said as he got out to go to school, he waved at me before I sped off towards my own school, getting mg there just before the bell rang, I quickly walked to class, not wanting to be late for Mr Burns' class for the second time this week. Luck, however, wasn't on my side as I got their over five minutes late, "Erin you're late again for my class" he said, "I was dropping my brother off at school and there was traffic" I lied, "Hmm, take a seat, ill let you off with it since I kind of forgot about you" he said chuckling dryly, I smiled and took my seat which was next to Harry, I smiled at him which he returned.

"Excited for our date tonight?" he asked, "A little yeah" I said truthfully, he chuckled, "Meet me at the lockers at break" he said as we went our separate ways to our different classes, I got to mines and sat down, Rachel had the seat next to me sadly, "Erin I'm sorry, you know I--" I cut her off, "You what? You didn't mean it? You regret it? Yeah okay Rachel I don't give a shit anymore, don't speak to me" I stated, "Fine then, have fun with Harry Styles, hope he breaks your heart bitch, and your hair is an ugly colour of red" she spat before turning back to her work, I sighed before turning back to my own work.

It got to break and I walked up to Harry and hugged him, "What was that for?" he asked, "I just needed a hug" I said, he smiled as his mates came over, Max was the only one I remembered because was Harry's best mate and he was hilarious, "Hi Erin" one of them said, "Hi, I'm sorry but I can't remember your names" I said chuckling, "I'm Tom, this is Ron and there's Max and you obviously know Harry" Tom said, "Okay I got to remember that. Tom, Ron and Max, easy enough" I said as Harry chuckled, "We'll see you later guys" Harry said.

"Where are we going?" I asked, "Skipping" Harry shrugged, "Harry not again, this will be the fourth day in a row I've skipped, I still want to do well in school you know" I stated, "Oh come on, just one period, you tell the teacher you were sick in the bathroom and were at the nurse and i'll say I was with you" he said, I sighed, "Fine, but just one period Harry" I said, it was only history anyway, I hated history.

"Where are we going?" I asked, "For ice cream" Harry said, I nodded as we went and got to the ice cream parlour, "Ill have a mint chic chip tub and whatever he wants" Harry said smiling at me, "Um, chocolate tub please" I said, the lady nodded and went to get our orders before Harry paid and we sat at a booth.

"So where are we going tonight?" I asked, "I can't tell you that babe, it's a secret" he said, "Then what should I wear?" I asked, "A nice dress, preferably a sexy one" he said smirking, I chuckled and nodded as I finished eating my ice cream, "Come on we should get back now" Harry said, I nodded as we got into his car and he drove back to school and we got out, "Do I have ice cream on my face?" I asked, "No, lets go" he said chuckling, I nodded and followed him inside the building when the bell went we scurried to art class and waited a few minutes before entering a little later than everyone else.

"Why are you two late?" Mrs Grey asked, "Well I was sick in the bathroom and I told my..boyfriend here and he took me to the nurse and she kept me there all last period and told Harry to stay in case I needed to be took home, but I'm better now a little" I said, she nodded, "I hope you're okay, take a seat the both of you" she said as we sat at the only available desk, I turned to Harry and whispered, "I'm not that bad a liar" he chuckled, "Must just have been to Mr Burns you were bad at lying" he said, I nodded as we actually listened to the class.

"Okay i'll pick you up at five" Harry said getting into his car, "Bye Harry" I said waving as I got into my car and drove home, I had less than an hour to get ready, I quickly showered, blow dried my hair and applied natural make up before looking through my wardrobe, 'a nice dress, preferably a sexy one' I looked until I finally found the perfect dress, it was black and floor length but had a slit to 3/4 way up my right thigh, it had an open back and was low cut, it didn't show anything that you shouldn't show, it just showed my back and my right leg and if course my neck part.

I quickly got the dress on and brushed my perfectly straightened hair out again before slipping on my silver sparkly heels and grabbing my bag, it had my phone and some money in it, "Luke I'm going out tonight, watch my baby" I said to him, "Can Demi come over?" he asked, "Fine, but I'm begging you, 1) don't lose my puppy and 2) don't even dare throw a party or invite anyone else" I warned him, "I promise" he said, I smiled, I knew I could trust him, "Watch my baby" I repeated as the doorbell went.

"I'll get it and i'll give him the 'don't hurt my sister talk' and you pretend to walk downstairs when I call for you" he said running to the door, I chuckled and headed for the stairs, "Ah come in Harry" I heard Luke say, "Don't hurt my sister Harry, I trust you" he said, "I won't, I promise" Harry said chuckling, I smiled, "ERIN HARRY IS HERE" he yelled as I walked downstairs, Harry stood up and stated at me, until Luke elbowed him, "Don't look at my sister like that, she isn't a piece of meat" he warned, I laughed as Harry spoke up, "You look beautiful, lets go" Harry said, "Watch my dog Luke" I repeated for like the tenth time, he chuckle and nodded as Harry and I left.

"Your brother really cares for you" Harry pouted out, "I know, I really care for him too, we're basically all each other have" I spoke softly, "Why don't you tell him?" he asked, "Tell him what?" I asked, "About your dad" Harry said, "He isn't my dad, he's my father but not my dad" I spoke, "And because I don't want Luke to get all defensive, I heard what he said to you about not hurting me so just think what he'll say to my father if he finds out" I said, "You can't keep it from them forever" Harry stated, "Can we talk about something else, please? This isn't the conversation i want to have on our first date" I said, "Sure, you look so hot in that dress" Harry said, I blushed and looked at what Harry was wearing, tight black jeans with a white shirt and a black blazer, "Where are we going?" I asked, "I have something planned. But its a surprise" he said laughing, I smiled as I sat back and enjoyed the car ride.

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