Chapter 23

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Erin's POV

"Good morning! Good morning! It's a beautiful day!" Harry sang, "Shut up" I whined, "Come on we're going sight seeing and then we can just lie at the pool" Harry said, "Fine but I want food first" I said, "We'll go to the restaurant in here for breakfast" he said, I sat up, "Just let me get dressed" I said standing up and going to the wardrobe, I picked out studded high waisted denim shorts with a plain pink t shirt and a tartan shirt unbuttoned and my necklace from Harry showing, I put on my black Nike air max and side braided my hair, I applied minimum make up and went to the sitting room where Harry was, "We have matching shoes" Harry commented, looking at our shoes, I chuckled and looked down and sure enough we both had our black Nike air max on.

"You look beautiful" Harry said as we left for the restaurant. "They better have nice food or I'm complaining" I said laughing, "I'm sure they will babe" Harry reassured, I chuckled as we walked into the restaurant and took a tray, grabbing a plate and going up to the 'breakfast buffet' and took whatever food we wanted, there was a range from French toast, omelettes, normal toast, cereals and pancakes, everything looked so amazing. I grabbed a couple of slices of French toast and a pancake covered in syrup before grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting at the table with Harry and his plate full of food.

"Lets go sightseeing and be proper tourists and take millions of photographs" I said getting more and more excited by the moment, "Okay let's go" Harry said as we left the restaurant and made our way towards the first sight which was the arc de triomphe.


After hours of touring Paris, Harry decided we should grab something to eat, we ate at a little café before going back to the hotel. "I have to change into my bikini" I said, "Okay, meet me outside at the pool when you're done" Harry said pecking my lips as he walked in the opposite direction of me.

I walked towards our room and unlocked the door, going in and changing into a bikini, putting my clothes back on and heading downstairs after grabbing 2 towels and speakers. Our hotel was relatively empty, the rooms were almost all taken but most people went out during the day, leaving a few young couple like Harry and I to laze at the pool, we always took our speakers down and played the music, not too loud but not extremely quiet.

"Thank you baby" Harry said grabbing his towel and laying it on the sun lounger before taking his t shirt and shoes off and lying on the towel, I took off my shorts, tartan shirt, t shirt and shoes and lay on my sun loungers me topping up my tan a little. It was July so the weather in France was warm, and I wanted to go home with a bit of a tan, to be honest I didn't want to go home but I knew I had to, I missed Luke and Ace too much.


The last three days of our holiday flew by, we spent it mostly by relaxing by the pool or going out with Louis and Eleanor, but all things come to an end and sadly we were back in rainy old England, and even for the end of July, it was raining. "Ill see you tomorrow babe" Harry said dropping me off at my house, "Bye Harry" I said kissing him lightly before grabbing my case and leaving the car.

I got through the front door and Luke hugged me, "How is Ace?" I asked, Luke chuckled as Ace, who was a lot bigger but still relatively small, came running through the living room door towards me, jumping up on my legs. I lifted him up and petted him before letting him run off. "Nice necklace" Luke said, "Harry got me it, oh grandma and grandad told me to tell you they said hi" I said, he smiled, "Where's mum and dad?" I asked, Luke shrugged, "Where are they ever?" he mumbled, "One more year Luke. Just one more year" I said, "Until what?" Luke asked, "Until we can move to London remember" I said, "Oh yeah" he said, I chuckled as we spent the day watching movies with loads of sweets and crisps.


"Have fun, be safe, work hard and don't miss me too much" I said to Harry as he was getting into the taxi, I gave him a kiss and a hug and smiled as he said goodbye to everyone here, he left after that. Without another goodbye. Damn was I going to miss him during school, which starts back in a few weeks.

"So what now?" Luke asked, "Now, we eat! McDonald's it is" I said as Luke and I got in my car and I drove to McDonald's, "Mum said she had an announcement for us tonight" I stated, "It will just be that her and dad are going somewhere or something" Luke said, yes, my fourteen year old brother knows the score, my parents are never here, "Probably" I said as we pulled into McDonald's and went inside to get our food.

"We're home!" I sang walking into the sitting room where both my parents were seated, Ace ran into the sitting room and my mum looked up,"Okay sit down, we have to tell you something" mum said, I sat down next to Luke as we stared at them, waiting for the announcement to be made.

"Next Tuesday through to the following Monday we're going to have a daddy-daughter and mummy-son week, for the week Luke and I are going to London and your father and Erin are staying here" mum explained, I gulped, I hated being alone with my father. Especially now I didn't have Harry...or Rachel....or Luke....or anybody. I would be totally alone. Other than Ace the puppy, who was no help obviously.

"Sounds great" I said, faking a smile and a laugh, it all seemed to familiar, the familiar smirk on my fathers face, the familiar glint in his eye, what did he have planned? And why did I have to he put through this?

Tuesday came too quick, Luke told me I had to text him every day telling him if dad did or said anything inappropriate or that sounded like he was trying something, I told him I would, I told him to have fun and be safe, he told me he would. We have a co-operation, we're a team and we always will be.

"Bye mum, by Luke" I said hugging Luke and mum, they left as quick as possible, leaving me alone with my father. Not once in these two years have I been alone with him. I've always had Luke or mum or Harry or Rachel or somebody with me, I couldn't be alone with him, not after he raped me, I was scared to be alone with him even though I knew he wouldn't do it again.

"Erin we're going to the cinema then out for pizza" dad explained, I nodded, I was still not liking this idea of being alone with my father but I guess I was going to have to grow up and live with it. He won't do anything to me. He is my father, not my dad but my father, he won't hurt me, he has told me he is sorry.

But sorry doesn't take away the fact he raped his fourteen year old daughter while he was drunk, does it?

Sorry doesn't take away the pain I feel, does it?

Sorry doesn't take away the disgusting images in my head, does it?

Sorry doesn't take away the memory I will hold forever. The memory of my father forcing me into doing something I didn't want to do, does it?

Sorry doesn't stop the images that probably haunt my ex best friend, does it?

No! Because sorry doesn't fix everything.

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