Chapter 6

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Erin's POV

I pulled back breathless and looked at Luke who was smiling, it was him who pushed me, "I, uh, I--" Harry cut me off my crashing his lips to mine again, I kissed back, not knowing what came over me, did I actually even like Harry? A few days ago I could of sworn we had a strong dislike for one another and now we're kissing at a bowling alley, "Wow guys, save it for later on" Luke said pulling us apart, I smiled as I took my other shot on my own this time, I got a spare, "Well done" Harry said, I smiled and sat next to him, not sure what to say, I just thought about that kiss, it was kind of....nice? Yeah it was really nice, his minty breath.

I was snapped out of my daydream by Harry who was tapping me, "Huh?" I asked, "Its your turn" he said, I looked up and surely enough my name was flashing as I stood up and took my shot, getting a very lucky strike, "BOOOYAH!" I said in a sing song voice, "That was just luck" Harry said chucking, I laughed as I sat down, "So, um, why don't we go and talk?" Harry asked, "Sure, hey Luke, Demi were going to talk, just you two take our shots" I said, they nodded as they continued and Harry and I went to talk in the car.

"So, um, why did you wanna talk about?" I asked, even though I already knew, "Us. Erin, ever since we got stuck in detention I felt a connection to you and then Luke came up with this idea to come bowling and I had to help you and he would push you into me" Harry said, "So Luke came up with this?" I asked chuckling, "Yes, he came up with the idea on how to make you mines" he whispered, "Well I guess it worked" I whispered before kissing his gently, "You're really going to go on a date with me?" he asked, I nodded, I realised that life is too short to not take chances, I might as well go on a date with Harry, if it turns out well then great, if it goes bad then too bad.

Life is about taking chances and not regretting anything, because at that present moment that's what you wanted, life is about living it to the fullest and not caring what people think of you, it's about following your heart, it's about helping people as much as you can and its about trying your hardest to find the love of your life and not letting anyone stop you or get in your road.

"Friday, ill pick you up at 5" he said pecking my lips, "Okay, and Friday is tomorrow doofus, oh we should get Demi and Luke together" I said, "How? We can't exactly make them kiss and they'll come out and have a heart to heart conversation, they'll kiss and end up ignoring each other" Harry said, "I know, how about we just ask then how they feel, i'll talk to Demi and you talk to Luke?" I said, he nodded as we went back into the bowling alley.

"So are you two dating yet?" Luke asked, "Not exactly, but we're going on a date tomorrow" Harry explained, "So Demi want to come and talk?" I asked, she looked at Luke who gave her a reassuring smile, aw they were so cute. She followed me to a small booth, "Is this about Luke? Because if you don't want me to go out with him then I won't, I don't want to go behind your back and--" I cut her off, "No, no, no I came to ask how you feel about him, you two would be so cute together and I really want my baby Lukey to grow up and get a girlfriend" I said laughing, she chuckled, "I really like him but I'm scared, you know he has a reputation in school for being a bit of a bad boy" she said, wow this was exactly like Harry and I except younger versions, "Don't worry love, don't bother about other people and go for it if you really like him enough, that's what I'm doing with Harry, he's the bad boy of our school but he acts like a softy once it's just us" I said, she chucked.

"I like you Erin, Rachel was stupid for letting a best friend like you slip through her hands, anyone would be lucky to have you" she said, "Thank you Demi, you too" I said as she smiled and we went back to the boys who were laughing at something, "What you laughing at?" I asked, sitting next to Harry, "Nothing" they both said before looking at each other and laughing again, "Nothing, yeah?" Demi said chuckling as she sat down.

"So where are we going for dinner?" Luke asked, "Anywhere, I'm not bothered" I shrugged, "We should go to the restaurant down the road from here, it's supposed to be amazing" Demi said, we all agreed and got in the car and I drove off, "I miss my baby" I said, "Who?" Demi asked, "Ace, my baby" I said, "Her puppy who gets treated better than any human" Luke explained, I chuckled as we got to the restaurant and went in, getting a table, ordering and eating our food.

I paid and we left, "Demi are you going home or coming to our house?" I asked, "Um, I don't mind" she said, "Luke is she going home or coming to ours?" I asked, "I think you'd best go home, your nan will be worried" Luke said smiling at her, she nodded, "Where do you stay?" I asked, she told me her address and I dropped her off, "You should come round more often" I said, she smiled and wave good bye before pecking Luke on the cheek and leaving, Luke's face went bright red, "Aw Lukey are you blushing?" I cooed, he blushed more as Harry and I laughed, "Are you going home or coming to ours?" I asked, "I better go home my mum will be worried" he said, "Aw is bad boy styles afraid of his mum?" I cooed, "I just don't want her to be worried" he said sternly, "Sorry I was just joking" I mumbled before stopping, "See you tomorrow" he said before getting out quickly.

Luke jumped into the front seat and looked at me, "What the fuck was that about?" he asked, "Don't let mum or dad hear you swear, they yell at me every time I swear and I'm 16. And I really don't have a clue he just...flipped shit" I said chuckling, "Oh, come on we'll take Ace out a walk and visit uncle Phill?" he suggested, I smiled and nodded, I really did have the best little brother ever, he was like my best friend, we told each other everything surprisingly.

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