Chapter 35

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Erin's POV

"Smile for the camera, we need new photos for a new phone case, we haven't had one in ages" I said, "Do you still have them all?" Harry asked, "Yeah, I had them on my phone all the time by decided to change it cause I couldn't look at them any longer" I said before snapping a picture of us both, I proceeded to take a picture with each of the guys and then a group photo, this would make a great phone case.

"Are you moving back in with Luke and I?" I asked Harry, "I don't know if that's a good idea" Harry said, "Why?" I asked, "I don't think Luke likes me anymore Erin, can you blame him? If this happened with me and Gemma and she had a boyfriend who done that to her and tried to move back in I wouldn't be happy" he said, "I guess you're right, he'll come around soon, he just needs time" I said, Harry smiled and nodded.

"Erin your phone is ringing" Louis pointed out, I looked up and snatched the mobile from the table, answering the call. "Erin, this is management" the voice said, "Okay, why are you calling me?" I asked, trying to sound as un-rude as possible, "Just checking we have your correct number. Also, to tell you that the boys have a live interview in a few hours, start getting their clothes and such ready, and tell Harry he has to confirm to everyone that him and you are dating" the man said, "Will do" I said, wondering why I had to tell everyone stuff, then remembering that I was in charge of them some how, I hung up before looking up at everyone staring at me, "You have a live interview soon and I have to start getting your clothes and that ready, also Harry you have to confirm that we're dating" I said, "Go get our clothes ready then" Louis ordered, "Yeah, just you sit there and give your orders out Louis" I said chuckling before standing up and leaving the room, something wasn't right here. They were keeping something from me.


"Your clothes are out your highness" I said to Louis as he laughed and went to get ready along with the others. They came out minutes later, fully dressed and waiting for their hair and make up to be done, which I did in turn, starting with Niall and ending with Zayn.

"Why are we getting ready now?" Louis asked, "How am I supposed to know" I said, "Cause you're supposed to know this stuff" he remarked, "Well I don't" I said laughing, he chuckled as I left to get changed. I put on black skinny jeans, a safari leka t shirt and black buckle ankle boots (outfit on @loveclothing on Instagram) and left my hair straight with a quiff on top of my head.

I returned to the sitting room where everybody was and grabbed my phone, noticing I had a text from management.

From management: leave the bus now, go into the auditorium and wait. Someone will be there soon.

"We have to wait in the auditorium" I said, "When?" Louis asked, "Four minutes ago" I stated, checking the time and when I received the message, "Come on then" I said ushering everyone to leave, everyone left the bus and headed towards the auditorium where we were instructed to wait.

A minute later a woman came in, "Ah! Follow me everyone" she said before leaving and waiting for us to follow her, which we did. She lead us to a small show room and instructed us to sit down, "Wait here and you will be called out, are you their stylist?" she asked, "Yeah" I said, beating my need to answer with something sarcastic such as 'no, I'm the sixth member' or something, "You won't be needed here so you can either wait here or leave, its up to you" she said, quite rudely, before leaving, "Well alright then, seems like I'm not wanted" I said laughing, "She's just jealous baby" Harry cooed, "And why would she be jealous of me? Who would be jealous of me?" I asked, really, who would actually be jealous of me? "A lot of people are jealous of you Erin, why wouldn't they be?" Harry said, "Why would they be?" I asked.

"You're incredibly beautiful, you're amazing at being a stylist, you're hilarious without even trying, you have the best personality ever, plus you're on tour with one direction. Oh and you have the best boyfriend anyone could ever have" he said, "I thought you were my boyfriend Harry? I don't recall being Channing Tatum's girlfriend" I stated, "Very funny" he said, I chuckled before pecking his lips, "I suppose you will do! Until I meet Channing Tatum and we get married" I said laughing, he chuckled, "You would never leave me for Channing Tatum" he said, "You never know" I answered, "I know you wouldn't" he said, "I know I wouldn't" I said laughing as the woman came back in, "You decided to stay I'm guessing?" she said, "No, I'm off shopping" I answered deadly serious, I heard sniggers behind me. The woman, clearly not finding the funny side of this, gave me a nasty stare, making me laugh at her.

"Finding something funny?" she asked, "No, I often laugh at nothing, come on, I'm not Niall" I said making Niall laugh loudly, I chuckled as she glared at me, ushering the boys to leave with her, I laughed and sat on the couch turning the tv on to watch the live interview. I opened up the twitter app while waiting for the interview to start, I decided I would have a small follow spree.

@erinbrown: follow spree cause I'm bored waiting for the interview lol tweet #erinfollowme and i'll follow as much as I can. Don't spam plz

I sat and waited until people started tweeting and then following as much as I could until the interview started five minutes later.

@erinbrown: okay follow spree over, maybe follow more later!

I tuned into the interview, watching as the boys smiled and laughed and answered questions that they have answered millions of times before.

"Okay so Harry, rumours have been flying about everywhere about who you're dating" the woman said, Harry looked up at her, "So, is it Kendall Jenner or your stylist Erin Brown, everyone is dying to know the actual truth" she finished, "I'm dating Erin" Harry answered, "Are you sure she's not just using you, I mean she's tarting to get famous vein your stylist, what if she's just using you to get more famous?" The woman said, the cheek! "She isn't using me" Harry stated simply, I smiled as he stood up for me, "How do you know thy for certain?" She asked, "I've dated her since I was sixteen, we broke up in February and got back together, I'm pretty sure she isn't using me, now stop bad mouthing my girlfriend" he said calmly, I smiled at him through the tv, even though I knew he couldn't see me.

I tuned out of the rest of the interview, focussing on twitter and Instagram, replying to stuff and texting Luke, trying to get him to forgive Harry, also he was telling me he was coming to see me for my 18th birthday. Which was next week. I was super excited for it, the boys didn't have a show the night or the night after it, and we had planned on going out for a few drinks, nothing big. I didn't want a big fuss or anything, I just wanted to have a little fun, get drunk and have a laugh.


"Great interview boys!" I complimented, "I'm sorry about what she said on live tv" Harry apologised, "You have nothing to apologise about Harry, thank you for standing up for me" I said, he smiled, "I wasn't going to let her talk shit about you right in front of me" he said, I smiled and looked around at everyone, "Are we going back to the bus?" I asked, "No" Niall said, "Where are we going?" I asked, "Out for dinner" Louis answered, "Do I need to dress fancy?" I asked, "No, what you're wearing is okay" he said, I nodded as I followed everyone out, "Are you excited for your birthday next week?" Harry asked, "A bit. I'm more excited at the fact I can drink alcohol legally" I said laughing, Harry chuckled, "You have totally changed. The Erin I knew would never have touched alcohol" Harry said, "I told you Harry, I have changed" I stated, "I also want to be an actress now" I added, he chuckled, "Follow your dreams baby!" he said, I laughed, "I can't follow Channing Tatum, Harry! I'll end up with a restraining order" I said, he chuckled, "You would think you love Channing Tatum" he said, "I do, I'm using you to get to him" I said, he chuckled, "I'm only joking, I love you really, I would choose you over Channing Tatum any day" I said kissing him lightly, flashes went off and I pulled back and blushed, "So help me of I ever see Channing Tatum" Harry mumbled, "I'll run away with him" I said, "Over my dead body!" he said, "I'll use his money and hire a hit man" I said laughing, "You wouldn't do such a thing" Harry said, "I know" I said as we pulled up towards the restaurant and headed inside.

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