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Alex: Hey, I'm leaving in a bit & I was wondering if you would want a lift?
Ren: if that's not a problem then sure :)!
Alex: I'll be there in 20

Ren's POV
I let out a sigh as I click on the off button that's located at the side of my phone. I quickly tie up my hair in a ponytail and searched through my closet for a simple outfit for today's interview. I picked a baby blue top and a white shorts and put on my flip flops. I walked out of my room and saw Harper already sitting at the kitchen table patiently waiting for mom to prepare breakfast for our family and I'm pretty sure I could hear her poor lil stomach grumbling. I chuckled at her and greeted my mom with a kiss on her cheeks. Kiss, cheeks... oh god Alex. I tried to shake the thought of Alex out of my mind by making scrambled eggs for myself. I was about to have my first bite until I saw Harper pouting at me & I know she really wants some of my breakfast so I gave her half and the both of us enjoyed breakfast... well at least Harppy gets to have a round 2 since mom is making French toast with peanut butter & jelly, melted marshmallows and some freshly squeezed lemonades. Once I was done, I grabbed Harper's plate along with mine and washed them. I was about to use the bathroom until I heard a horn coming from outside of our house and true enough it was Alex. I said my goodbyes to both my mom and sister and told mom to tell dad I left for an interview again since he's still sleeping. I got to the car and Alex greeted me with a hug, we got in and she drove to this huge place, it's like those behind the scenes kind of place. "Urm, about last night" Alex speaks up. "I'm sorry for... you know." I apologised, afraid that I crossed my boundaries for kissing her on the cheeks but she assured me it was fine, thank the lord. We got there and was greeted by the same interviewer. She urged us to sit down since we're running late today and in 3...2...
"Hi again! So I have these two beautiful ladies with us again for another interview!"
"Hey" Alex & I waved at the camera with a smile on our face
"Okay so the first question is for Ren. You ready?"
"Oh yeah!"
"Ok so when Alex and you started talking again, was it awkward? Or did you guys just clicked again..."
"Well, I think it was kinda awkward at first, I mean we stopped talking for like 3 months? I think? Yeah but we slowly hanged out more so yeah"
"Cool, cool! So right now the both of have graduated from high school about?"
"2 years." Alex stated
"Wow you guys are old" The three of us laughed but we all know who's clearly old
"So what exactly are the both of you doing right now? Any plans for the future?"
"I'm working on a mashup and hopefully you know, gain some viewers, subscribers, no copy right issues haha and you know just earn some cash!" Alex said and I could see the glow in her eyes... She's always like this when she talks about something that she's so passionate about...
"Huh?" I snapped back to reality
"Oh yeah, urm, I'm actually contemplating whether to pursue my dreams in writing? I don't really know yet, I haven't come to terms on what I would want my future to be but I'm for now, I'm pretty sure it would be writing! Hopefully someday I'll be able to come out with own book" I smiled back at her. I caught Alex stealing glances at me and I smiled at her... I think I shouldn't have done that since her cheeks are starting to heat up again... what a dork!

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