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Alex's POV
I can't believe I just snapped and stormed off like that... I know I could do better— I promised that I could handle myself. Just need to get some air... yeah. Air. I've been walking for awhile, no idea where I'm heading to. I searched for my phone in my back pocket, took it out and saw it was 7:10PM already? God how long have I been walking geezz... *ding* huh?

Ren: Alex where u at?
Ren: Alex???
Ren: why aren't u replying? Alex I'm worried c'mon
I let out a sigh. God Ren I wish my feelings would just vanish just like that, but it won't... I replied her and decided to stop at a pizza shop nearby.

Ren's POV
Alex: I'm okay, don't worry bout me. Hey Ren, you down for pizza bcs I'm gonna stop for pizza, I'll bring you back some. I guess you're starving already huh ;)?
I'm glad she's fine and how does she know I'm hungry... god that girl can read minds huh? I replied her and locked my phone, patiently waiting for her to get back with my pizza!

Alex's POV
I got Ren and I two large pizzas since that girl has a really big appetite... I'll never understand how her tiny body can fit so much food but okay... I checked the time and realised it was getting pretty late, Ren must've starved to death by now... I grabbed the pizza and left as soon as possible after paying. I don't remember sprinting back to the place we had our interview and let me remind you that I don't do all these exercising shit but for Ren, I don't know man.
I got in as quick as I could and saw Ren lying on a red couch. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep... oh god I'm being really creepy right now.

"Hey Ren" I shook her a little to wake her up from her little nap
"Ren c'mon wake up" I shook her again but this time her eyes opened lazily and she let out a cute little yawn
"I got us pizza" I smiled at her while she rubs her eyes. We are in silence, mostly because Ren was so hungry that she stuffed two slices of pizzas in her mouth at once. I laughed at the sight of her doing that but Ren was too busy shoving pizzas down her throat to even hit me like she always do.
"I heard from someone that you kinda snapped earlier" Ren speaks up
"Yeah.." I said with a nod
"Why tho?" She asked without glancing up at
me, afraid that I'll snap at her too
"Hey, look at me" I lifted her chin up
"I didn't mean to I— I just didn't like the thought of him" I told her
"Oh" I understood what she was trying to say. Alex didn't take it well back then but at least it's better this time...

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