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Your POV
Today, I've decided to interview both girls together. I don't know what made me do it but the fact that Ren will be able to calm Alex down makes me feel a little better. I don't want another repeat of yesterday to happen again.

"So today I'll be interviewing the both of you. Is that okay?"
"Yeah sure" they said in unison
"Okay so, Alex, is it ok if you— we talk about the bruises?"
"Urm.... y–yeah" Alex stuttered a bit. She glances at Ren and then looks back at me
"I remembered growing a pair of balls, walking up to Ren and confronted her about the bruises. She didn't exactly tell me how and why were there bruises forming at different spots of her body everyday but I wouldn't let it go that easily... we urm... we kinda argued and she would brush me off every time I confronted her bout it but then... one night she called me up... asking me to pick her up from the park that's located near Louis's apartment... she was stuttering, crying all at the same time and it scared the shit out of me" Alex took a deep breath before continuing."I rushed out of my place and drove straight to Ren. I was doing 110 on a 90 and a cop pulled me over, gave me a ticket and warned me about speeding. I couldn't care less so as soon as the cop was out of sight, I sped up as fast as I can. I only had one thing in my mind, and it was to protect Ren. I got there and took off my jacket and wrap it around her... she was... a mess... she was shivering. She only had a thin piece of clothing on her god I could feel my blood boiling under my skin... She was sobbing into my neck as I held her close to me, I told myself I wouldn't let go, that I'd catch her every time she falls. That night was blurry for the both of us. He fucking tried to touch her, he fucking wanted to! Fucking bastard fuck him! She didn't let him and what? He fucking beat her up?! I WILL FUCKING END IS FUCKING LIFE IF I HAVE TO! I started to distance myself from Ren a few days after that incident... I couldn't look at her without feeling a pang in my chest... I failed to protect her, I let him abuse her and he got away just like that... I know it broke her heart... I'm her best friend, I should be there for her, I even promised myself but I couldn't... it took quite some time to actually move on from it, and I'm glad I did I mean I'm still trying to but at least when I opened up a little to Ren, we started talking again and I got her back..." Alex explained, never once looked at the camera. It was a hard topic to talk on but she's glad she managed to keep her cool this time. Ren looked at Alex, finally understanding what made them drift apart for awhile. She pulled Alex into a warm hug, letting her know that they're okay, everything's going to be okay.
"So Ren, did he attempt to get you back into his life or even apologised for what he did?"
"No, he doesn't have to, his apologies mean nothing to me"
"Yeah he isn't worth a piece of shit"
"Yeah" Both of us let out a chuckle while Alex just hugs Ren tighter
"So are you seeing anyone right now?" I asked with a smirk and Alex tensed up at that question, I wonder why? I bet she wants to wipe that smirk off my face right now
"Hahaha, sadly no"
"Hey you know, I'm single and available" I wiggled my eyebrow and said half jokingly, I mean who would date Ren, she's beautiful.
"Back off" Alex growled, but we all know she was just joking
"I might consider haha" Both of us laughed at Ren's reply.
"Well, that's all for today, make sure to check out our previous interviews with these two beautiful ladies! Make sure to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to our channel!"
"Cut" The three of us stood up for a lil chat before the both of them left. I'd root for them as a couple without a doubt.

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