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Yo what's up it's me, Alex, again *winks* Ok back to the story about me. GATHER AROUND BOYS AND GIRLS! Once upon a time, CUT THAT BULLSHIT! Ok let's get serious. So I remember falling for this person & at first it was going well you know? We talk and all but I guess jealousy took over me and from then onwards everything just went downhill & I kinda miss our friendship, kinda don't... meh *shrug* I mean we'll stop talking to each other for days to weeks and months and then we'll be ok again and we're back to square one... (is that how you use it? I honestly don't know, fuck it) I fucking hated our friendship because I just wanted a normal one... Things started to get super complicated when this person, let's name her Z. Z confessed to me after we started chatting. I mean we knew each other but like we didn't talk until a year later. She confessed and well let's just say your homie Alex rejected her not just one not two but THREE times. Yo I deserve a high five tho? If I'm being a dick right now I get it but you wanna know how it felt? I'll tell you how it felt. I felt like a complete bitch aite? She was hurting all because of what your cute(I asked her once why she liked/loved me and she said I was cute... I guess I'm not that person anyone wants to date) Alex did. Hey I was hurting too alright? You think I wanna go breaking somebody's heart? I ain't that bitch you think I am. It fucking hurts. I kinda like pitied her and decided to get into a relationship, we broke up like a week later idek honestly? It was hard when she asked if I truly loved her and I answered her truthfully. Yea ik y'all hate me for that but listen aite? I just wanted to make her happy again, i just wanted to see her smile. We kinda got back together again, broke up. BUT this time I felt something for her you know? I know I was being selfish, stringing her along when I shouldn't have and I won't ever do that again I promise. Like I said, I felt something for her and I got her back. Things were going well at first and then we started arguing a lot... remember the girl I told y'all earlier? The one that we would ignore each other then talk again? Yeah her, let's name her A. Well she kinda like found out so she started texting me, we became friends again bla bla bla, she didn't really supported our relationship but who cares? I don't. So Z saw my messages and I told her I argued with A. Z got pretty upset and then we started arguing a lot... mostly her and I would apologise. Hey I'm not playing victim here, it's the truth. So after awhile Z started to space out.. her replies were super short and I was getting tired... it felt like I was the only one trying to keep this ship floating. So we ended things. At first it was bad, not that bad but you know, sad. Took me a couple of months to move on. She moved on faster. I was holding onto something that's already dead. So kids, let go of something or someone when you have to. It hurts like a bitch but if it's a toxic relationship, get out of it as fast as you can. I promise you won't regret.

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