"So Alex, what happened back in high school?" You went straight to the point trying to squeeze out some juicy details from Alex.
"Geez, getting straight to the point I see? *wiggles my eyebrows* hmmm???" I asked with a smirk on my face while I'm trying to mess around. I know what she's doing and I'm not going to give her what she wants... who does she think she is? I'm Alex for fuck sake I do what I want. "Oh c'mon Alex just give me the details already!" You whined like a baby but Alex still wouldn't give in so you did what you do best, you gave her your signature look — The Ever So Famous Puppy Face. "Ok no, DO NOT GIVE ME THAT— NOPE THAT WONT WORK...Geez, woman just give up already" I said looking at her trying to pout as hard as she can... "Sigh.... FINE! You win aite? God, the things I do for girls..." I shake my head knowing that we're about to get serious & I may or may not get a lil emotional but whatever let's just get this done with.

"Aite what do you want to know?"
"What happened? Ren told me y'all just stopped talking one day"
"Yeah. We did... more like I did"
"Sigh... look, everyone knows how protective I can get whenever it comes to her. I would always protect her from the "big ass bullies" in school and it felt, good? I don't— I don't really know how to describe that feeling but... look it's just complicated like I get these feelings every time I see her smile or just laugh at something... or the way she moves & how her tongue pokes outta her mouth when she's trying to concentrate and when she can't, she'll get lost in her own thoughts. I just— I remember seeing her hanging out with this guy. I mean, he's not that cute and all but Ren was so happy with him that it makes me jealous... They're always seen together like in the cafeteria or the library or even after school and I guess jealousy kind of like took over me... I never liked that guy, what's his name again? Loser? Oh yea Louis! Yeah I never liked him, something about him just seems off to me... he doesn't gives off that good vibes so yeah.

Ok so jealousy took over me but I never stopped caring or trying to protect her you know? I remember when she called me after her date with him, telling me how sweet he was, he picked her up in a limousine, got her a bouquet of roses & brought her to this fancy restaurant, I mean he's filthy rich so I'm not surprised. I had to listen to her telling me about him... I'm not complaining... I got to hear her voice so it's a win-win situation right? After a few more dates, she told me that they're official and I swear to god I could hear my heart slowly breaking at that moment but I had to fake a smile because she was literally right in front of me. Gotta fake it till you make it huh?" I joked around and she let out a light chuckle
"That day onwards, she started hanging out with him a lot... they were inseparable like they're stuck to each other 24/7... if not, they'll be on the phone sweet talking and all. I felt like she didn't need me there anymore I mean she has him... he's bigger than me, definitely stronger than me. So I just slowly stopped talking to her you know... it started off with my one word replies and you know what happens after that."
"So this guy, Louis? Are they still, y'know... a thing?"
"When did they—"
"I think that's enough for right now. Plus, it's not my place to tell you why... if you want to know, ask Ren but don't force her to spill it aite?"
"Yeah, I won't."

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