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A/N: It's still pride month right? SO I LOVE ALL OF YOU OUT THERE! LOVE IS LOVE! LOVE ONLY!

So I haven't revealed my gender yet... I'm Alex and I'm a girl. Yes, I'm Bi. No, my family doesn't know and yes my small group of friends know and they're ;) — also very supportive! We support each other. Ok so back to my story, hmm... thought I heard someone snoring but whatever. I'm not the kind of friend you want... I don't care as much as everyone else does, but when I do, I care a whole fucking lot. Bish don't fuck with me. I'm trying to be a better person, a better friend everyday. I want to be that friend who got your 6. You know, there was once when something happened and it just hit me... I was fucking sober and I felt like I became even more sober if that makes sense? I guess like it hurts, it hurts not being able to protect your friends, I will not lose anyone of my friends until the day God wants them back but until then, I'll not lose any of my friends. I'll definitely beat myself up for not being able to be there for them and I don't want that to happen.

So nobody takes their own life you got me? Yeah I'm talking to you guys too, all you readers, if you need someone to talk to, comment or something, talk to me or talk to someone you can trust. Please? Ok? You know, nobody messes with Alex, but if anyone of you need me to be there for you just to listen to you, I'll be there aite? I don't do promises but I'll try to be there all the time, I'll try for you, for all of you. It just breaks my heart to see how many of you out there, afraid of getting hurt again, and I want to be that one person you don't have to be afraid of because I'll try not to hurt anyone on purpose... I'll try not to leave until the day one of you do. I don't mind getting stepped over or some shit but none of you should go through that. I'm Alex, it's not like it's the first time anyway, I can handle myself, I won't lose my chill and shit.

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