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Jordan’s P.O.V

I slammed the phone down to Nicky. Sometimes she just infuriated me, why could she just never pay attention to us. Everything else always seemed more important than us. I slouched on the couch as my phone started ringing. I plucked up, hoping it would be Nicky phoning back apologising.


“Jordan, dude are you coming out?” Oh great it was Sidney.

“I don’t think so. I think I need a night in.”

“Oh come on Jordan don’t be boring” Sidney replied sounding disappointed.

“Fine” I replied not wanting to let my teammates down.

“Woooo, we are on our way. See you in five Jordan” I went to my room and quickly changed. Then I heard a hooter outside. I headed for the car and saw three of my mates in the car: Sidney, Kris and Matt.

We headed for the local nightclub, Wonderland. There was loads of girls in the queue. It amazed me how little, girls would wear to pull a guy. Luckily we knew the doorman and walked straight in. I headed straight for the bar. I needed a strong drink to help me chill out. We stood at the bar for a while, but the drunker we got the more forward we became.

“Woo Jordan, you may be needing this tonight” Kris said with his hand over something as he pushed it my way. I looked.

“What is this?” I asked confused.

“Protection, you may be in need of it” he said gesturing to behind me. I turned noticing a girl with hardly any clothes on. I couldn’t deny it, she was very hot. She was looking straight at me.

“I have a girlfriend” I said handing it back to Kris.

“And where is she Jordan? Because I am not seeing her around here. When was the last time you got some fun, eh Jordan?” Kris said winking at me. He was right in one way, where was Nicky. She certainly wasn’t by my side. Nor did she want to be. She didn’t even want to speak to me on the phone. I just did not understand the problem. Nicky was so hard to read, one minute she seemed to be all over me and the next it was as though she couldn’t wait to get rid of me. Maybe I should have some fun, Kris was right, when was the last time I had got any action. Certainly not off Nicky.

Soon enough I was dancing with the guys and that girl soon was by my side. She was gorgeous, but she was the total opposite of Nicky. A brunette, with deep brown eyes. Her hair flowed past her shoulders and down her back. The thing was she was a total slut, out for the night to hitch a guy. Nothing more. Her clothes and the amount of make-up she had on told me just that.  Everything Nicky wasn’t. I couldn’t deny it, Nicky had taste and style. All her clothes were perfectly chosen, including her handbag and clothes. Right down to the colour of her nail varnish, eye liner and so on. This girl was cheap, I could have her so easily, something that I couldn’t with Nicky. That was one of the things that made me so interested in her. She didn’t want to just fall at my feet, she wanted me to sweep her off her feet.

But what was worse, was the whole time, I never thought once about Nicky. Nor did I feel guilty. The girl grabbed my hands and placed the firmly on her butt.

“Looks like you are in there Jordan” Kris said in my ear, a huge grin across his face. But as I turned to look back at her I was sure I had seen Nicky. A girl had turned away from me, her light blonde bob swinging. It looked just like Nicky, and that was the moment she came back into my thoughts.

“Nicky” I shouted trying to run after the girl. The problem was there were so many girls in here. Everyone kept stopping me and trying to dance with me. It took me ages to get out.

And that was the last thing I remembered until I woke up. My head was pounding. I sat up, holding my head. My eyes still shut, not wanting to let the light in. It was then I heard a moan, like a girl moaning and talking in her sleep. My eyes shot open alarmed. And there next to me was a girl. In my bed.

What the hell was a girl doing in my head? How did I get back here? How did she get back here?

“Jordan? Surprise. Oh My God” It was Nicky, she had walked in and saw me in bed with another girl. How the hell could I explain this one? I didn’t even know what had happened.

Her eyes were filling with tears and I was desperate to comfort her. Her hand was across her mouth as she stood staring at me, but then she turned and ran.

Good right? I hope you like. Thank you to those who have commented. But to the rest of you please comment or message me. I would love to hear what the rest of you think. ANYWAY I AM LOOKING TO START ANOTHER STORY. I WANT TO WRITE SOMETHING THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO READ SO PLEASE MESSAGE ME WITH ANY THOUGHTS OR IDEAS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE OR WOULD READ. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MESSAGE ME. Thanks.

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