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My mum insisted on cooking dinner no matter how much I protested. Jordan unfortunately was coming for dinner, oh great. My mum would ramble on about how lovely Jordan is, and no doubt he would suck up by saying how lovely her cooking was.

"Jordan should be here soon Nicky"

"Yes mum" I groaned

"oh and Nicky try to be nice, this guy might actually like you" she said with a smile as she walked back into the kitchen. My mouth was wide open in disbelief, how could she even say that about me. It was as though I was undesirable and for a guy to like me was like magical.

The door bell rang and I walked to the door before my mother could get there.

"Hey" he said with a huge smile.

"Hey" I groaned back.

"What's wrong?" he asked sounding concerned.

"I didn't want you here Jordan, this is my weekend, with my parents. Instead I have you here and all my mum can talk about is you" Jordan looked taken back.

"I'm so sorry Nicky, I'll go, hope you have a lovely dinner"

"Jordan wait" I said catching his arm before he could leave.

"Get off Nicky, it's obvious you don't want me"

"Please come in Jordan, I didn't mean to sound so harsh. Mum is getting rather annoying, all she talks about is you, she has even warned me to be nice." Jordan started chuckling.

"Your mum is rather funny."

"Come on in. I hope you like Chicken. Oh and please act like you have not been here before. She will definitely start rambling on" Jordan chuckled and walked in to the kitchen to hand over the bottle of wine he had bought with him.

"OHHH Jordan thank you" obviously she had already started gushing all over him. I rolled my eyes at her as Jordan looked back at me.

"Jordan do you like Chicken"

"Yes I have to say that smells great"

"oh thank you Jordan"

"you are such a suck up" I whispered in his ear.

"Dad dinners nearly ready" I called into the living room as I went and placed glasses on the table.

Finally mum sat down at the table and we started to eat.

"So Jordan I'm guessing you are originally from Canada"

"Yes sir I am"

"oh isn't it lovely there, my sister lives there" my mother gushed.

"yes I love it there, I certainly miss it a lot" Jordan replied

"do you ever go back there?" I questioned

"Yes I have family to visit, its nice when we are all at home, its like when we were all young again"

"Oh how lovely" my mother replied "Nicky is an only child"

"Mum why don't you just tell Jordan my whole life story"

"don't be sarcastic Nicky, you are just like him" she replied pointing her knife towards my father. He looked taken back.

"Why do I get the blame for everything?" my father questioned.

"Well it certainly isn't from me"

"oh of course not mother" Jordan was sat quietly, as we had our little argument, looking quite taken back, like he was intruding.

"I am so sorry for that behaviour Jordan. Manners you two" my mother added pointing her knife towards my father and I. Jordan was chuckling as my father looked at me.

"So Jordan how do you like Pittsburgh?"

"Mother stop prying into Jordan's life"

"Shut up Nicky" she replied looking towards Jordan waiting for his reply.

"I like it very much thank you"

Dinner had ended and my parents were ready to leave. Jordan hadn't left, arguing that he had to help me clear away.

 My mother had a tear in her eye, as always.

"Oh Nicky, please do visit soon, it is lovely seeing you dear"

"I know mum, soon I promise." She kissed my cheek and walked to the car.

"See you soon dear" my dad said hugging me and kissing the top of my head.

"Bye dad, Love you"

"I love you too darling." Jordan and I waved at the car as they drove away.

I turned and shut the door and headed towards the kitchen.

"I'll do it, leave it Nicky"

"It's ok Jordan honestly" I replied throwing a tea towel at him

"I'll wash, you dry" I said winking at him, he chuckled and replied

"I'll take that deal. You should come watch me play one day."

"Maybe" I replied

"You certainly never give a lot do you?"

"I don't think you've earnt a lot" Jordan looked at me and poked his bottom lip out.

"I was a very good boy with your parents."

"oh yes suck up number one" I chuckled whilst flicking bubbles at him.

"I never mentioned me staying here either, as I was told."

"Oh well done you can follow instructions" I replied flicking more bubbles at him.

"Well just think what your mum would have thought. She would have been planning our wedding already" I rolled my eyes

"she's mental isn't she" I looked at him flicking bubbles at him again

"but she loves you"

"I doubt that, she basically told me to be nice because you actually like me, whereas no other guy possibly could" I replied flicking bubbles in his hair.

"I doubt she believes that, and if you flick any more bubbles at me you are getting a face full of bubbles." I laughed

"Think I'm scared Staal?"

"You should be"

"Scared of getting your hair wet Staal?"

"Leave my hair out of this" he replied, so I flicked my bubbles in his hair. That was it he grabbed me and a handful of bubbles and put them on my face. I was laughing as I tried to blow the bubbles off me.  I turned and Jordan was right behind me, I stared into his gorgeous blue eyes and before I knew what was happening I was kissing him.

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