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The next morning I was in the office bright and early. I made sure all the suits and special ties were set out in Anna's office. The thing was the special ties had Pittsburgh Penguins all over them, great.

Lexi finally arrived with three coffees, which I was definitely in need of.

"So how did your fishing go last night?" Lexi looked at me with a very pissed off face.

"Don't even go there"

"That bad?"

"Well he was all flirting with me and then his stupid friends came in and that was it, I was dumped" Lexi replied.

"Sorry Lex"

"No problem plenty more fish in the sea, and anyway it just gives an excuse to go shopping this weekend, care to join me?" I laughed

"Sorry I can't my parents are in town"

"oh yes I forgot, say hi to mummy and daddy Johnson for me"

"lol ok"

"So any plans with the parents?"

"my mum will probably want to go shopping which my dad will hate. And then we are going out for dinner and thinking of going to the theatre"

"interesting, so what time is Anna in?"

"well her chauffeur said she should be here just after nine, she has an appointment for half nine" Lexi looked confused

"she didn't have an appointment for half nine yesterday" she replied

"she did last night, she called me to go get her a load of suits this morning, I think players from Pittsburgh penguins must be coming in because there are a load of ties with their logo on" Lexi looked like she was going to die.

"does that mean that guy I was flirting with last night will be here?" I nodded with a small smile on my face

"you bitch" she replied seeing my smile increase, but deep down I was hoping Jordan would not be with them.

Then my phone vibrated with a text with three simple words "Anna is here"

"Anna's here so look lively" Lexi smiled at me sarcastically

"Oh yes Nicoletta I will look lively after having a raging hangover and some guy that I threw myself at is turning up at my work today" I laughed at her and replied

"and who can you blame for that? No one but yourself"

"I knew I hated you secretly" Lexi replied as Anna walked through the office doors.

"Nicoletta did you grab them suits and ties"

"Yes Anna" I replied taking her coat and bag

"Coffee is on your table" Lexi told her

"and the suits and ties are in your office, along with the newspapers and magazines which are on your table" Anna smiled

"Thank you ladies. Hopefully the gentlemen arriving this morning will be as good as you two"

"Not if they are as good with time as they are women" Lexi said under her breath but we all heard it. Anna gave me a questioning look and I shrugged my shoulders as my phone started to ring.


"Anna's 9:30 are here"

"On my way" I replied placing the phone down.

"Well actually I am just off to get them"

"Thank you" Anna called out her office.

"Good morning Gentlemen, this way please"

"We saw you last night" said one of them

"so you did" I replied at the same time another voice said "shut up"

When I turned I noticed it was the guy from last night, as well as Sidney and Jordan. I wanted to die, he hated me, and as much as I honestly did not blame myself, he still hated me. It certainly is not that great of a feeling.

Finally I handed them over to Anna, who then called me in.

"Nicoletta can you show these gentlemen to the changing rooms and then bring them back please"

"If you would please follow me" I led them to the changing rooms but Jordan never went in.

"Can I help?" I questioned

"Don't act like you don't know me"

"You did last night"

"I just couldn't bear seeing you again. I didn't think it was you, especially with the whole short hair. It really suits you by the way" I smiled slightly

"Thank you"

"You hurt me" he stated simply

"I never meant to hurt anyone, I told you how I have tried making men fit in my life and it doesn't work. You knew all of that, I told you how much I love my job."

"But it is just a job, what will you do when you cannot work anymore and you are all alone because you have nobody. There is no one at home for you, no one who will come and see you when you are older. No one who will love you whether you work or not, whether you are successful or not, I did that." That hit hard.

"But not enough to give up your career" he looked taken back

"Is that what this is? I was asking you to give up your career, but I wouldn't give up mine"

"Well it doesn't look good does it Jordan?" he nodded

"I missed you, and I would like to see you more, even if just as friends"

"I can't, my parents are in town" he smiled

"I could meet them"

"That would look like I was introducing you as a boyfriend"

"oh come on Nicoletta please"

"How about you try getting dressed, and hurry up about it" he chuckled and walked into the changing room. He just was never easy.

I finally led them back to Anna, who looked delighted.

"So what do you think gentlemen?" was the last thing I heard as I left Anna's office.

"Everything ok?" Lexi asked

"Yeah, have you arranged for the meeting later with everyone?" she nodded smiling

"they said they would all be there at one on the dot" I sighed, knowing full well Anna would be there ten minutes early.

"What have I done wrong?" Lexi questioned

"Can they all be there at 12:45 on the dot?"  Lexi sighed and went back to phoning all the departments again.

Finally the three hockey players left, Anna and Lexi were at the staff meeting and I was sat in my office trying not to feel too tired. That was when my phone vibrated.

"I meant everything I said, and I do still miss you" I smiled slightly, he was rather sweet, and it took a lot to bring him down. But as much as I knew all this, I also knew there would never be a Nicky and Jordan.

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