Special Guests

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Ok so I had an argument with Jordan, but to be honest, this week was getting better.

I had found a new second assistant, Alexis, or Lexi. She was nice, slightly older than me but nice. She also had not messed up, yet. I was supposed to be off to meet Jordan’s brother this weekend. But I was not looking forward to it, it was supposed to be stormy. Rain, wind and me do not mix. It ruins your makeup, it ruins your hair and it most certainly ruins your clothing. So I didn’t really want to go.

Jordan kept phoning me to check I was going and reluctantly I kept saying yes. But then finally Anna saved the day, I love that woman. She had arranged a run-through for Saturday, and I had to be there with Lexi, to teach her the ropes. As second assistant she would normally be at the run-through, instead of me.

That was when my phone rang, and by now I had had enough of seeing that name appear on my phone.



“Hey beautiful, just checking, still ok for Saturday?”

“Yeah about that..”

“don’t worry, see you later” and he put the phone down on me.

I was getting sick of this, this is why you cannot have a career and a boyfriend. I had worked my whole life to be in the position I was. I most certainly was not going to let it go, for a guy, especially one I barely knew. That was when I received a text

“I guess you have made it clear what is the most important aspect of your life.” I didn’t reply I was so angry with him, he wouldn’t put his career on hold for me would he.

But that was the last I heard from him. When I saw score updates on TV I knew the Ice Hockey season had begun, and he was back in Pittsburgh.

Lexi was working out fine, thankfully. I still had not been promoted, but then I believed that was due to the fact Anna just couldn’t let me go. I spent most nights with Lexi, she was like me.

It was July and I hadn’t seen Jordan in about 9 months. Nigel still loved me, and so I asked his opinion on a new look, I didn’t want to dye my hair, but I cut it, so now my hair was rather short. Lexi and I were at our usual spot after work, I just loved this little Italian.

“OH MY GOD” Lexi said her eyes wide.

“He is so fit, I would do him right now if we were not in a public area” I chuckled not even seeing who she was talking about as my back was too the door.

“I think you just told everyone anyway, so everyone is prepared for when you do” she poked her tongue out at me.

“OMG, another one who is fit. We are coming back here, there are never this many hotties in here I swear.” I was still laughing as she eyed up the men coming through the door.

“You look at them like they are meat.”

“They are Nicky. I mean what are they really apart from sex?”

“Point taken. I find more appeal from my shoes.”

“Amen to that” she said clonking our glasses together.

“My glass is empty” I said poking my bottom lip out.

“awwww poor wittle wicky, I’ll go get you one” she said hopping off her seat over to the bar. But she wasn’t alone, she was talking to some brunette guy. She then pointed towards my table and as he turned I noticed he was Sidney Crosby. Oh shit, I thought.

She quickly came over, gave me my drink and whispered “gone fishing, see you tomorrow.” I laughed and let her go, replying “see you tomorrow.”

I was finishing my drink and watching the news when I heard

“Hey gorgeous, wanna have some fun at my place.” I turned to see some guy, but he definitely did not do it for me. He had rather long dark hair, a small beard that looked like it was cut that way, clothes that looked like they had been on for more than one day. I was definitely not going home with him.

“No thanks, need to get home.” I replied paying the bill and leaving.

“C’mon babe, have a little fun” the guy replied following me out the door. The last time I had been followed out the door of a restaurant was also with unwanted attention, but it was Jordan. I turned looking at him, hoping he wasn’t too close and then turned back walking straight into someone.

“Oh my God, I am so so sorry”

“Woo hoo looks like you have pulled” said a tall brunette guy laughing, as a few others joined in too.

“Maybe” replied the guy I had run into laughing. I bent down to pick my handbag up and when I looked up my eyes met with none other than Jordan Staal.

“Maybe not” he replied walking away. I looked down knowing he still hated me after all this time. I picked my bag up and started to walk away.

“Well if you aren’t flirting with her can I?” asked the guy from before.

“NO” shouted Jordan.

“Hope you’re ok Lady” he said as I walked by.

“Thanks” I replied smiling, as I turned back to see Jordan looking at me.

I was nearly home when my phone rang.

“Nicoletta, thank god I caught you. Bright and early tomorrow. I have some special guests tomorrow and I need some Armani suits, and they also have some special ties for me. Do not forget the special ties. Don’t forget bright and early”

“Ok no problem” as she put the phone down.

Another early morning for me then. Special guests, who could that be.

Am so sorry for the very long wait. I really hope you like. will definitely update more.

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