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Jordan had left New York for Pittsburgh, I did feel rather sad but I had been rushed off my feet with work. I hardly had time to realise that he had left. Neither of us had told anyone about our relationship yet. I think we were both enjoying our time alone, as a secret.

Lexi and I were preparing for our annual dinner. We had to make sure everyone knew what time to be there, and that we knew who everyone was to introduce to Anna. I also had my outfit to arrange. Then there was the issue of our plus one. Lexi and I had no one to take.

"Morning" Lexi said out of breath as she walked through the office door with coffee in her hands. I was so tied up in emails, taking note of who was coming and where to seat everyone that I hadn't even noticed that she had walked in.

"Oh morning" I said quickly returning to the screen. Lexi moved towards Anna's desk placing the coffee on her desk, ready for her arrival in a few minutes.

"I'm getting very excitedddd" she sang the last bit. I turned to look at her very suspiciously.

"Who are you? and where is Lexi?" she giggled and sat at her desk.

"So has everyone replied yet?" I nodded still watching her, studying her. She seemed so giddy, so happy.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I thought that was obvious. I think I am rather happy today."

"Exactly, what is wrong with you?" Suddenly her face turned into a guilty one.

"I have a date for the dinner" she replied quickly and quietly.

"What?" I replied taken back as I had not heard anything she had said.

"I" she said looking down and fiddling with her hands. "Have a date" I smiled at her

"That's great. When?"

"For the dinner on Saturday" My face fell.

"We were supposed to be going for girl power, both alone."

"I know, I know" Lexi replied rushing to my table. "I'm soo sorry Nicky please don't be angry with me"

"It's fine" I sighed continuing on with my work.

"Oh come on Nicky. Be happy for me. Please. Anyway you are so gorgeous you could easily find a guy" I knew she was right, I should've been happy for her. I shouldn't be selfish.

"Lexi, I am happy for you. I hope he treats you just as good as you deserve."

"Oh thank you Nicky" she replied hugging me. "We need to find you a guy now" she added rushing back to her desk.

"I'm happy single" I replied trying to play along with the single thing.

"Oh come on Nicky when was the last time you got some" she added wiggling her eyebrows at me. I couldn't help but laugh. Yet she did raise an issue, I hadn't got any in a very long time. But I wasn't ready for that with Jordan.

I was certainly glad when that day ended. I was shattered. I grabbed my coat and bag and headed home. I was just preparing dinner when my phone rang. Jordan.

"Hey beautifullllll" he called down the phone. I chuckled.

"Hey baby" I replied.

"How was today?"

"Mmmm" I replied thinking about the fact I was going to be alone at the dinner.

"What's wrong babe?" he questioned sounding concerned.

"I have this dinner Saturday" I stated

"I know, I thought you were excited about that."

"Welll. I was, and then Lexi turned up this morning and she's got a bloody date and now I will look like a loner, a spinster in the making." Jordan was laughing down the phone at this.

"Well I don't think you will. You will probably have guys all over you."

"Yes and I will have to tell them I'm not interested. Then I look even more like a weirdo."

"Yes you will have to say no, because none of them will be as amazing, handsome, sexy or funny as your boyfriend."

"Yeah well my boyfriend is so great he doesn't even go to dinner with me."

"Nicky if that is what you want I'll be there." Jordan replied deadly serious.

"No Jordan I was joking it's fine. I'll survive."

"Nicky talk to me. Be honest."

"I didn't even think about it Jordan."

"Then let me come and join you. Show my girlfriend off on my arm."

"But there is going to be a lot of media and publicity. Everyone will know."

"Then let them know Nicky." he said serious and passionately.

"Nicky you mean so much to me, you have no idea how deeply I feel for you and I will gladly announce to everyone that we are together. " I smiled at his comment.  How couldn't you.

"Ok, but I'll warn you now. You will have to scrub up Staal." He laughed

"I can scrub up. I'll have you know I scrub up well."

"Yeah well better get your suit out because it's black tie"

"Hmmm, yeah one problem"

"What?" I moaned

"I don't own a suit, and to go to this I will have to have like a really expensive one."

"I'll sort it Jordan."

"Nicky it's fine I'm sure I can."

"No Jordan. I will do it. I know your measurements and I know what is best."

"Fine" he sighed "but I better look great" he replied cockily.

"Like I would do anything but make you look great. I'll even do your hair and make up for you if you want" I said in a girly voice jokingly. Jordan didn't reply for a second.

"I hope you know I'm shaking my head at you" I laughed.

"I'm making my dinner so I'll call you back in a bit."

"Ok gorgeous I'll speak to you soon."

It was official, Jordan and I were announcing our relationship. I was dreading what people would say. But it had to happen one day. 

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