Dumb jock

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It was that night when Lucy had asked me to go to dinner with her and her brother who was in town from Pennsylvania. I wasn’t a lot like Lucy, but we both had an interest in fashion and we both did sort of the same job so we were friends.

“Seriously Jordan Staal, as in the Jordan Staal was in your office today?” Lucy’s brother Tom questioned, he looked awe struck. Lucy nodded smiling taking a sip from her drink.

“Seriously what is the big deal, he is just a guy like any other guy” Tom looked at me with his mouth open.

“Yes but if I named your favourite hottie or your favourite male designer and said he was outside you would see that as a big deal whereas I wouldn’t” Tom replied.

“I don’t think I am that immature Tom, plus Jordan Staal is just some dumb sports guy”

“Well he can’t be that dumb, he was dressed pretty well” Lucy said.

“I didn’t really look” I replied, knowing full well she was right, he was dressed pretty well, simple but with good choice. He had had a blue and white stripped top that hung loosely but still showed his muscular frame, with vintage wash jeans which I had to say suited him.

“You are such a liar Nicky” she giggled raising her eyebrow at me.

“Ok so he was dressed ok, and it did suit him, but you know he probably had someone dress him”

“Nicky he isn’t some dumb ass model”

“No he is a dumb jock”

“No he isn’t a jock either” Tom replied

“Shut up Tom, same thing” I said poking my tongue out at him.

“Well Nicky turned down the “dumb jock” Lucy said making air quotes with her fingers as she said dumb jock.

“He asked you out?” Tom questioned raising his eyebrows at me.

“Yes” I spat, I agreed with him, I was astounded too, I mean me go on a date with an egotistical sportsman, I don’t think so.

“Why did you say no?” He questioned.

“I thought you were on my side then” Lucy started laughing.

“Tom would go on a date with Jordan Staal and he is straight so come on, why would he be on your side?”

“Point taken”

“So why did you say no?”

“Because I don’t like him”

“You don’t even know him, he might be really nice”

“Or he is the same as every sportsman, too up himself to care about anyone else.”

“Well from what I have heard he is really down to earth” Tom replied

“And he did follow you all the way to the office leaving his friends in star bucks” Lucy pointed out.

“Wow, he must really like you”

“How? He doesn’t know me”

“Exactly Nicky” Tom said winking. I poked my tongue out at him again.

“So how long are you staying for?”

“Just the weekend” he replied simply, as my phone started to ring.

“Hello Anna?”

“Nicoletta, I need you in bright and early on Monday, and I need some shirts from Calvin Klein, about 10 or 15. I also need some trousers from D&G as well as some suit jackets from Armani, bright and early Monday Nicoletta.”

“Ok Anna bye”

“What does she want now?” Lucy questioned

“Trousers, shirts, suit jackets, I think that means you are getting the coffee on Monday morning” I smiled as Lucy groaned.

“Anyway Thank you for dinner, nice seeing you again Tom, but I need to go, I have a lot of things to collect this weekend, I can’t be late on Monday” I said as I got up to leave.

“Bye Nicky see you Monday”

“Bye Nicky see you soon”

I left and started to walk back to my apartment.

“So do you live around here?” I turned around to see the same giant blonde Canadian that had been in my office that morning.

“Are you stalking me?”

“No actually, I’m trying to be polite”

“Then you would go away”

“Why can’t you just talk nicely to me? I haven’t been horrible to you”

“I have had a long day, and I have a busy schedule for this weekend so I really just want to get home and go to sleep”

“Well then let me walk you home at least” I looked at him, I couldn’t really say no.

“Fine” I sighed.

“Thank you” he smiled, I had to say he just had one of those smiles that seemed to make everyone around him happy.

“So where did you come from?”

“I was in the restaurant opposite, I saw you walking along so I thought I would join you, needed to get out of there anyway”

“I see”

“What were you up to? On your way home from work?” I shook my head.

“I had dinner with my colleague, who you met today and her brother who is in from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania”

“That’s where I’m in town from” he smiled

“Yeah he was gob smacked when he learnt you were in our office today” he chuckled.

“I’m guessing he is a fan” I nodded

“Couldn’t believe I said no to you”

“About the date?” I nodded

“Well I wish you hadn’t” I looked to him and saw he was looking down focusing on his feet as we continued to walk.

“You’re not the kind of guy to get turned down are you?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t really asked that many people to go on a date with me” I was taken back, I really thought he would be a player, hence me calling him a “jock”

“You look amazed by that” he chuckled.

“How old are you?” I questioned

“22 how about you?”

“22 so how come you are not in Pittsburgh?”

“Out of season, me and a few guys from the team decided to have a bit of time away” I nodded.

“Must be pretty hectic during the season” he nodded

“You seem like you have a pretty hectic life too, what do you do?”

“I’m assistant to the editor-in-chief of vogue” he nodded in understanding.

“That would explain it” he chuckled.

“So this is me” I said finally at the door of the apartment.

“Well nice to see you again Nicoletta” he said putting his hand out, so I shook it, but he kissed it instead of shaking.

“Good night Nicoletta” he said and walked away. I was quite awe struck and at the same time quite smug.

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