Phone Call

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Jordan had returned home and as usual I had been rushed off my feet. I had been so rushed off my feet that I had kind of forgotten about Jordan. The thing was Lexi had been sacked, because so many people had been freaked out about her date. It had been three weeks since the dinner, and I had still not found a replacement.

Jordan had also been very busy, he had played in every game in the last few weeks. I had tried to catch the games, trying to take an interest, trying to look like a good, supportive girlfriend.

It was 7pm and I had literally not stopped all day. I hadn’t eaten all day and the growling from my stomach was reminding me of that fact. I sat down at my desk huffing. I was very tired by this point. It was at that point that Nigel came rushing through the door, with two glasses and a bottle. I gave him a very confused look

“Ohhhh I’m sooooo happy” I was now even more confused.

“Ok curiosity killed the cat, what is going on?” I stated leaning forward on to my desk as Nigel grabbed a chair and sat opposite me. He started opening the bottle, with a huge grin across his face. But he never said a word. The cork hit the wall as champagne ran out of the bottle. I was laughing as Nigel tried to move it away from him. Then he placed on my table across all my work.

“Heyyyyy” I cried as I pushed him away and moved my work. Nigel poured the champagne into the glasses and handed one to me.

“A toast” he stated nearly laughing

“To what?” I questioned still very much confused.

“To me, Nicoletta. To me… and my promotion” my mouth fell open.

“Oh my God that is amazing” I stated leaning over the table and hugging Nigel. I pulled back and tapped my glass on his

“To you and your wonderful promotion.” I said with a huge smile, I was so happy for him. He definitely deserved it, no one worked as hard as he did.

“I know, I am so excited. I just cannot believe it.” My smile grew at how happy Nigel was, but then I realised, I didn’t even know what he was being promoted too.

“What are you being promoted to?”

“I’m moving to Prada, head of fashion. Oh God I just cannot control my excitement” Nigel said nearly bouncing off the chair

“I am so happy for you, but I will miss you just as much”

“Well you will have to come see me won’t you” he replied taking a sip of his drink

“Of course. How did you get it?”

“Anna, of course. She put me up for it. I mean I would never go behind her back”

“I wonder who will get your position”

“I think I know” I pounced on Nigel at this

“Who? Who will get it? Are they as nice as you?” Nigel laughed

“I’m not telling, so you will have to wait and see. Anyway have you had any success with finding a new receptionist” I shook my head

“No one seems to understand just how much work this job is.” Nigel nodded knowingly

“And how is the relationship going?”

“Probably not great. It’s difficult being so far away from him. With all the extra work I have, we barely talk on the phone. I don’t know that it is such a good idea. I mean I just don’t seem to have room for a boyfriend.”

“But he makes you happy”

“I suppose” I replied leaning on the table and shrugging.

“It wasn’t a question hunny, it was a statement. I’ve never seen you as happy as when you were with him at the dinner.” I looked at Nigel shocked. “Nicoletta my best advice to you will be to not let him go. I let someone go once before, someone I loved, who made me happy. Now I’m alone, at my age. Don’t do that Nicoletta, have a life, have a family. You may think now that he is just in the way, but when you get older you will regret it. You regret being alone at my age, it’s not nice going home to an empty cold house. It doesn’t matter how hard you work, how much you earn, how successful you are, because if you have no one to share that with, what is the point.” I nodded taking in Nigel’s words of wisdom.  I just didn’t know what to do. Was a life with Jordan the one for me?

I looked at my computer and noticed the date. Oh God, how could I have forgotten? I stood up.

“I am so sorry Nigel, but I have to go. I am so happy for you but I really need to get going.” I said grabbing my coat and bag out of the cupboard.

“It’s fine, I hope you have a great night” Nigel replied still sat at the table as I quickly put my coat on and headed out of the office and towards the Lift.  When I finally reached the exit of the building the cold night air hit me. I tried to hurry home, as quickly as possible. It seemed that the quicker I tried the slower everyone else seemed to get. I finally reached home shutting my door. I took my coat and bag off and threw them on the couch. It was then that my phone started ringing.

“Hello” I answered, knowing who it would be.

“Hey Gorgeous”

“Jordan?” I said alarmed, it wasn’t meant to be him.

“Yeah” he said questioningly

“You’ve got to go, I have to phone someone.”

“What?” Jordan replied very confused.

“Just go, get off my phone.”

“Thanks Nicky, I’m fine. Oh yes I’ve had a great day, But I’m missing you. Haven’t spoken to you in nearly a week so what do you expect. I haven’t seen you in nearly 3 weeks so yes I would love to be in your company.”

“Jordan, please do not do this now”

“Nicky we are in a relationship, and maybe you need to pay some attention to that” Jordan started to rant.

“I do, I’ve watched every one of your matches, and I try to talk to you every night. However right now is not a good time and I really need to phone someone.” I replied in a very rushed tone.

“Fine, nice to know you care Nicky.” Jordan said in a bitter tone and put the phone down. But right now I really didn’t care, I had an important phone call to make.

Hope you like. Please, please read, and message me your thoughts. Or comment. Would love some new readers pleaseeeeeeeeeee

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