Why me?

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Finally it was the weekend, and I was glad about it. I was so looking forward to seeing my parents, I hadn't seen them in months.

A buzz at the door told me they had arrived. I quickly ran to the door and opened to see my mother and father. My mum looked nothing like me, I was completely like my dad. The blonde hair was from my dad except it wasn't so blonde anymore, my height was also from my dad. My mother was a rather short woman, with brown hair. The only thing I had from her was her eyes, pale blue.

I went straight to my father embracing him in a huge hug. My mother was chuckling in the background.

"You never change Nicky, always was a daddy's girl" I pulled back as my dad winked at me.

"Always will be my little girl" he replied with his arm around me as we walked into my apartment.

"Nicky I don't know about you but I am starving, I think we need to grab some lunch"

"Ok mum there is a lovely little Italian just down the street"

"Oh Italian my favourite, you know me too well Nicky."

So off we headed to the restaurant. We quickly ordered.

"How is work going Nicoletta?" my dad hated my job really, he thought I lived too far away, but it was my dream and so he played along.

"It's going well dad"

"Any promotion yet?"

"Hopefully soon but I don't know, I do love my job, you know that dad"

"I know darling" and it was at that moment that I just wanted to leave that restaurant as none other than Jordan Staal walked in.

I tried to hide without looking too weird but it was to no use.

"Nicky" he called over, oh no.

"Hey Jordan" I replied tentatively

"You must be Nicky's parents" he said gesturing towards my mother and father with his hand stuck out towards my dad.

"Yes Jordan, this is my mum Kimberleigh.."

"But you can call me Kim" she replied, oh god she liked him.

"and my father William"

"I presume you are Jordan" my Father replied looking disapprovingly.

This was possibly my worst nightmare.

"Why don't you join us Jordan?" my mum said in her nice tone, that said Nicky date this man, marry him and have beautiful children. I hated when my mother met guys she always acted like this.

"No, no Jordan has somewhere to be, don't you Jordan." I said giving him the look, the look of go, get the hell out of here.

"No Nicky it cancelled, I'd love to join" he replied taking a seat next to my mother. I rolled my eyes and shot him daggers.

"I don't mean to sound rude Jordan but my daughter's name is Nicoletta."

"Oh shut up William and leave the boy alone" my father looked away disgusted.

"No it's quite alright sir, I prefer Nicoletta personally" oh what a suck up. My father looked astonished, his opinion of Jordan was changing.

"So what do you do Jordan?" My father questioned, clearly prying.

"Oh clearly something athletic" my mother replied.

"I play Ice Hockey Sir"

"oh, very rough game I here"

"It can be sir"

"So where do you play?"

"Pittsburgh sir"

"Pittsburgh" my father replied very happy.

"You sound like that is a good thing sir?" Jordan questioned.

"We live in Pittsburgh"

"Really?" Jordan replied looking at me with a big grin.

"Yes maybe we will have to come watch you play. Nicky you could come, and see us at the same time. You certainly are never home enough."

"Yes mother" I groaned.

"I totally agree" Jordan added, I looked at him outraged. Why didn't he just shut up.

Finally food came and I certainly could not wait to leave.

"Can we have the bill please?" I questioned a waiter

"Nicky there is no hurry to leave." my mother added

"Mum I think we have things to do, and I am sure Jordan does too."

"nope" Jordan replied with a huge smile. I hated him so much right now.

"Exactly Nicky, you seem to be trying to get rid of poor Jordan" I am I thought.

"I just don't want to miss out on any time with you mother"

"Oh don't be silly Nicky" she laughed.

Finally, and I mean finally we left the restaurant.

"ok then, it was nice seeing you Jordan, bye"

"Nicky stop being so rude" I rolled my eyes at my mother.

"It's fine Kim, I need to be going now, thank you for letting me join you for lunch"

"Oh it was lovely meeting you Jordan, you will have to join us again some time. Maybe you could join us for dinner tomorrow night before we leave"

"I am sure Jordan has better things to do mum"

"I would love to join you" Jordan replied with a huge smile.  I was hating him more and more by the minute.

"Brilliant, we will see you tomorrow then Jordan"

"see you tomorrow" he replied with a smile.

"Nicky" he said grabbing my arm before I could walk away. "We should see more of each other"

"I need to get going Jordan"

"Please Nicky"

"You have my number Jordan, call me"

"I'll take you up on that Nicoletta" he replied smiling and I walked off with my mother and father as my mum rambled on about how nice Jordan is.

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