I'm not writing you off.

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I finally got all the measurements and Jordan left. I spent the rest of the day going back to D&G, Armani and Calvin Klein.

When I returned I learnt that Anna had already gone home and me and Lucy could go. I smiled as I grabbed my bag and coat and left, it was around 5 at the time. I made my way across the marble floor of the lobby and out the door. I was putting my coat on when I heard.

“So you are finally out” I looked up to see Jordan again.

“You are definitely a stalker” I replied and he chuckled.

“So can I take you dinner now?”

“Will you ever stop asking?”

“You do owe me” I turned my mouth agape.

“How do I owe you anything?” I snapped

“Well after the way you spoke to me earlier” he replied a small smile appearing.

“I apologised”

“But you could show that you are truly sorry by letting me take you to dinner” he smiled. “Come on Nicoletta, I bet you haven’t had dinner yet anyway”

“Fine” I smiled and followed him as he grabbed my hand lacing our fingers together. I pulled back.

“Too far?” I nodded.

“So you didn’t answer my question earlier” he smiled

“What question was that exactly Jordan?”

“Whether there is anyone to go home too?”

“No there isn’t” I said looking down.

“I’m sorry did I ask the wrong thing?”

“No it’s ok; it’s understandable for you to want to know”

“Well whoever gets to wait at home for you is a lucky guy” I smiled up at Jordan.

“Thank you. I guess that there isn’t anyone at home waiting for you either?” he shook his head.

“Well I’m sure there are many girls out there who would love to”

“But you’re not one of them?”

“I don’t really know you, so I can’t say can I” he smiled

“So you’re not writing me off?”  He had a huge grin and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“No Jordan I’m not”

“Thank you” he smiled.

“So where are we going for dinner?”

“There’s a small restaurant down here, I go there a lot when I’m in New York” he said pointing towards it.

“I guess small restaurants attract less attention.” He nodded.

“I don’t mind people asking for photos or autographs but sometimes it’s nice to just get away from it all you know?” I nodded as we neared the restaurant.

We entered and took a table near the back.

“So anything you like?” he asked as I looked at the menu.

“I’m not really a big eater” I stated to him.

“Is that to do with your job?” I nodded slightly.

“Well don’t hold back” he said smiling.

“I think I’ll have pasta bake” I said to him as he told the waiter what we both wanted.

“So you’re an Italian lover?” he questioned, I chuckled and nodded.

“I love Italy, one of my favourite places, amazing food, and scenery and of course some of the most famous designers come from there”

“Not the men then?” he questioned taking a sip from his drink. I didn’t know what to say.

“Erm no actually, one broke my heart” I replied, he looked at me shocked.

“I’m sorry Nicoletta, I didn’t know” I shrugged and shook my head.

“It is ok; I know you didn’t know, I’d rather not talk about it again.” He nodded and grabbed my hand and rubbed it. Then our food arrived and we made small talk as we ate our dinner. Finally Jordan paid refusing to let me pay. Then we left as Jordan said he would walk me home again.

As we left a few men were rather drunk across from the restaurant, they started whistling at me and walking towards me.

“Hey beautiful, want to come have some fun with me?” One said winking at me. I took Jordan’s hand.

“Sorry but I’m going home to have some fun with my boyfriend” I said sweetly. They all looked at Jordan and glared and walked past us.

When they couldn’t hear us, Jordan turned to me.

“Boyfriend now am I?” I smiled.

“Well you are larger than them, so clearly a threat, why can’t I use that to my advantage” I chuckled, he laughed.

“So I’m your boyfriend when it suits you?” I laughed.

“Well Jordan I told you that I’m not writing you off” he smiled

“I know, and I’m glad that you have changed your mind.” I smiled.

“But I do have to say that I haven’t had a relationship that has gone well, and so I’m about weary about getting into one” he nodded.

“I can understand that”

“And I have a hectic life, and I have tried to get men to fit into my life but it is hard” he nodded again.

“I love my job Jordan; others think I work too long and for not enough money. Or that what I do for Anna is insane or that I do things at times that is outrageous or that I put my job before others, but Jordan my job is my life” he nodded.

“Well Nicoletta I have to say we think alike on that one” I smiled at him.

“I’m not trying to take you from your job, I’m not trying to say change what you do, but I just ask to give me a chance, get to know me.” I smiled.

“I’ll try” he smiled as we got to my apartment; he kissed my cheek and said goodnight as he left. Jordan Staal was having an impact, and I was starting to think maybe I was wrong, he wasn’t a self-centred, heartbreaking, idiot of a sportsman.  

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