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I was so happy after yesterday. But I was shocked when Anna had called to say she would be off for a couple of days and I could have the day off.

I laid in bed for ages, I just did not know what to do with myself. It was then my phone vibrated. It was Jordan.

"Good Morning Gorgeous. So all this kissing has got me thinking... Wanna go on an actual date with me? xxx" I smiled

"A first date? xxx"

"A first date :) xxx"

"ok then :) xxx"

"great :D pick you up after work? xxxx"

"I'm not at work xxx"

"Are you skiving?? ;) pick you up soon? xxx"

"NO lol. Soon? I'm not even out of bed yet xxx"

"Mmmmm can I join you? ;) xxxx"

"NO! xxxx"

"Fine, so soon? xxxx"

"Where are you taking me so early? xxxx" That was when my phone rung.


"Are you out of bed yet?" I laughed

"Noooo why?"

"Because I'm outside your door" he chuckled

"Your joking?" my face must have looked horrified. I was make-up less, hadn't brushed my hair or teeth. I hadn't even had a wash and to top it off I was naked.

"No, so hurry up and let me in"

"No way, you can come back in about an hour"

"I'm here now you can just let me in. I'll wait for you to get ready"

"No, I look terrible"

"Nicoletta, stop saying stupid things and let me in now" I grumbled at Jordan's reply and wrapped the sheet around me as I tried my best to comb my fingers through my hair on my way to the front door.

"If you wanted me Nicky all you had to do was say" he teased

"Shut up and get in" I said waving him in.

"You do look rather lovely though" he said standing look at me as I shut the door.

"Shut up I look bloody dreadful, look at the state of my hair" I said pointing at my head and walking towards the bathroom.

Jordan grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. With his other hand he ran his fingers through my hair.

"You look gorgeous" he said leaning and kissing me slowly and gently. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"I guess I better get ready" I replied heat rising to my cheeks.

"Ok I'll wait here on the couch" he replied.

"So where we going?" I called from my bathroom.

"You still got your skates?" he questioned back

"Why?" I replied frowning.

"Because we are going skating" he replied. I hadn't been skating in a while.

I went into my wardrobe and grabbed my old skates. They were one of my proudest possessions. I walked into my living room, now ready and with my skates.

"Ready?" Jordan asked seeming surprise.

"Yes, don't seem too surprised" I said smacking his arm.

"So lets get going and see how good you are"

"I'll probably be really crap now, I haven't skated in ages."

We finally got to the ice rink and I was showing off trying to skate away from Jordan and show some of my skills.

"Stop showing off, I'll tackle you soon and see if you can show off then." I giggled and carried on. I did a small jump showing off again. When I turned around Jordan came racing towards me.

"NO! NO! NO! JORDAN AHHH" Jordan grabbed me around the waist and whisked me off.

"JORDAN put me down NOW" he was finding this highly amusing. Finally he put me down and we started skating together and having fun.

"Well I suppose you are pretty good at this" he said winking at me.

"Only pretty good?"

"Well not as good as me" he replied winking at me.

"So what you doing with me later?"

"Who said I am doing anything with you later?" he replied chuckling.

"Oh thanks, what a great first date." he was laughing again.

"I was planning on taking you for lunch and then we can do whatever you want." I grabbed his hand with a large smile on my face and replied

"I like the sound of that"

We left the skating rink and had a great lunch and headed back to mine.

"Thank you for a great day Jordan" I said walking up to my door.

"Is that it? I'm dumped for the day now?"

"No" I replied trying to fish through my bag.

"I was actually being polite and trying to find my keys"

"So I'm allowed in?" I nodded

"Aha there they are" I replied finally opening my door.

"Would you like a drink?" I questioned as I headed for the kitchen.

"I was thinking more along the lines of sex" Jordan replied. I popped my head out of the kitchen and looked at him as though he was crazy

"I'm thinking more along the lines of NO" he laughed

"Only winding you up, but I'm fine thank you. I actually wanted to talk to you about something."

"Ok I'm all ears" I smiled at him.

"I don't think your going to like it" My face fell

"If you are going to try and talk me into moving to Pittsburgh it's not happening" I started ranting.

"Nicky stop, I wasn't going to do that."

"Sorry" I replied, feeling quite embarrassed.

"I wanted to say that I'm going to have to go back to Pittsburgh soon." He said his face looking down, and for the first time, Jordan really did look upset.

"You should stay away from me Jordan. All I do is upset you."

"That's the thing though Nicky. I just don't want to"

"I don't want you to go either" I whispered as Jordan looked up at me.

"You mean that" I nodded in reply looking down.

"Nicky" Jordan said lifting my chin with his finger.

"We could try and do long distance, for now at least"

"Jordan Pittsburgh is quite a long old way"

"I know that but I'm certainly willing to put up with it for now. I will come and see you as much as I can. Maybe you could come see me, you could even see your parents at the same time."

"Jordan we aren't even in a relationship"

"Oh come on Nicky, we are everything but official."

"Still not in a relationship though"

"Nicky if you want to make this official, then I am more than willing to do that"

"Then do it Staal" I replied with a small smile leaning in towards Jordan. But before I could understand what had happened he had kissed me. He broke away keeping his head close to mine. His big blue eyes were staring into mine as he whispered

"Will you be my girlfriend?" 

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