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I smiled and leaned in kissing Jordan passionately. Kissing him was so amazing. It was so weird because Jordan seemed like a big tough Ice Hockey player but he was so soft and caring when he kissed me. Jordan pulled away but kept his face close to mine.

"I'm taking that as a yes." he said with a small smile. I nodded smiling back. I could now officially say Jordan Staal was my boyfriend, but I wasn't so sure it was a good thing. You may say I am "Miss Negative" but I saw my friends get their heart broken by the jocks at school. I remember I was always the one who was there as they cried on my shoulder. I never wanted a guy in school, seeing all my friends get hurt certainly put me off. But finally when I had fallen in love, with a guy I believed to be so perfect. I thought I had learnt from all of my friends' mistakes. Obviously not.

"I'm gonna use your bathroom" Jordan said as I broke out of my thoughts. I nodded. I didn't think Jordan was like all of them. He wouldn't hurt me, certainly not on purpose. But what if I hurt him? What if this isn't enough for him?

"Nicky?" Jordan called

"Yeah?" I questioned, expecting him to want me to run to him and catch him half naked, if not completely. Typical Jordan. But his next question caught me completely off guard.

"Who is this? I saw it last time I stayed but I thought it was you, but now I see it isn't"

"Who is who?" I replied walking towards my bedroom.

"This" he replied pointing towards a photo. OH NO.

"That is none of your business" I replied marching over to him and snatching it out of his hands.

"Sorry, didn't mean to touch a nerve. She looks pretty and a lot like you." I nodded, as tears welled up in my eyes. I suppose I knew he would find out eventually. Jordan placed his hand on my shoulder as I hugged the photo.

"Nicky what's wrong?" I shook my head at him as I tried to fight back the tears.

"Nicky please talk to me"

"Her name is Scarlett" I whispered softly. Jordan turned me around to face him.

"Who is Scarlett, Nicky?" The tears were there again.

"She's my big sister" Jordan looked completely surprised, of course he was. My mother had told him I was an only child. She rarely spoke of Scarlett.

"Your mum said.."

"I know what my mum said Jordan. But it's a lie. She was my mum's baby." I finished, the tears were rolling down my face, and Jordan brushed them away with his thumb.

"Nicky why would your mum lie about that?"

"Because she is...dead, she is dead Jordan."

"You don't have to tell me this Nicky"

"You were going to find out eventually Jordan. I was 13, I had a competition to go to for my ice skating. Mum and dad had both refused to take me because they would both be at work. I was going to walk instead, but then it was icy. Scarlett said I shouldn't walk, what if I fell over and hurt myself on the way there. She had only just got her licence. As we rounded the corner the car started to skid, it was heading for this little boy on the opposite side of the road, so Scar tried to turn the wheel. But it was too late, the car was already on the wrong side of the road. The boy managed to get out of the way, but a lorry coming in the opposite direction hit us. We both had to be cut out. I had broken my leg where the front of the car was pushed up and it had trapped my leg. But Scar died instantly. I never noticed but she didn't have a seat belt on. I basically killed my own sister." Jordan started shaking his head at me.

"No, no you did not"

"Jordan I have heard this all before, she wasn't wearing a seatbelt, the lorry drove into you, it was icy. But I made her go out Jordan. We would have been at home otherwise. She would still be here today, I would still be in Pittsburgh." Jordan looked at me surprised.

"Why would you still be in Pittsburgh?" I looked down.

"When I was younger, I was going to be a professional figure skater. Scar had her heart set on working in fashion at the leading fashion magazine. "

"Is that why you are here? To fulfil the dream your sister never got the chance to?" Jordan questioned

"Don't get me wrong, I've always loved fashion. Scar and I used to read fashion magazines for hours together. She used to draw up designs for me to skate in. But this wasn't my dream, it was hers. That's why I worked so hard for it, it's why I am so determined, it's why I am the best at what I do. The thing is Jordan, it's one of the reasons I tried to stay away from you at first. I was weak to you from the start, and I knew I couldn't be, I couldn't let her down." Jordan smiled softly at me.

"Nicky I don't think you ever let her down. Why did you leave Pittsburgh Nicky?"

"I just told you Jordan"

"No Nicky" Jordan replied shaking his head "I don't think that was the reason, I think it was an excuse." I looked at him, wondering how he could read me so easily.

"Because Jordan, I put on a hard exterior, but really I'm weak. I couldn't wait to leave Pittsburgh after the crash. Everywhere I went reminded me of her. Home was the worst place, signs of her were everywhere. Her room, my room that she had helped to decorate and had put pictures and posters up for me. I ripped them all down. Do you know how hard it is to live with a mother who has just lost her favourite child, and she blames you for that? My mother never spoke properly to me again for years, and even now she is so different. I avoided that road constantly. Jordan I have never returned to Pittsburgh since I left." Jordan didn't respond at first, he just kept looking at me. But when he did reply it was lovely.

"Nicky I understand that you blame yourself, I understand that what you went through was a terrible experience. No I will never understand how it feels, but I will help you through anything that I can. I will help you go back to Pittsburgh, let me help you Nicky. Let me in." I nodded and hugged him. It was the first time I had really let myself go to Jordan, to anyone really. Scar's photo always had a place beside me. But I was so gutted about what had happened. I felt so guilty about what happened to her. I had never confronted my mother about it, never actually spoke to her about that day. Maybe I should. I just wish I could have spoken to Scar one last time, to say bye, to say sorry. 

I hope you like please comment or message me your thoughts, it will certainly keep me motivated to keep writing.

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