His eyes firmly on you

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The next day I arrived at work, nice and early as usual. I hadn’t been there long when Anna came in, why was she early? I phoned Lucy making sure she was nearly here with coffee.

“Oh Nicoletta, can you phone those four gentlemen from yesterday and tell them today would be great” I smiled as she walked back into her office as I phoned Sidney.

“Hello” answered a voice that sounded very much like the blonde I had spent the previous evening with.

“Hello, may I speak with Mr Crosby please?”

“Nicoletta?” he questioned

“Yes jock” I replied jokingly as he chuckled.

“What do you want with Mr Crosby? Oh God you aren’t dating him are you?”

“Jock I thought I told you I don’t date brainless sportsmen” he laughed.

“Well I thought I would check” he replied

“Anyway I was phoning to tell you that Anna would like you in today”

“That’s fine, I’ll tell the guys and we will be there asap”

“That would be great thank you”

“You’re welcome Nicoletta, see you soon beautiful” I was taken back as I heard the line go dead. I put the phone down just as Lucy walked through the door.

“Are you trying to be a fish?” I gave her a questioning look.

“Well your mouth is wide open”

“Oh, sorry” she laughed and walked into Anna’s office giving her the coffee.

“So what did you get up to last night?” Lucy questioned

“I went to dinner” she looked at me questioningly.

“Not on your own surely?”

“No” I said in a “duh” tone.

“Well who with then?”

“Jordan Staal” I said quietly knowing she would rub my face in it.

“Who?” she questioned again.

“Jordan” a smile grew on her face.

“Not Jordan as in Jordan Staal the man you said was a brainless sportsman and you would never date.” I nodded looking down. Her smile grew as she started to laugh.

“Oh my God, you actually went on a date with him”

“It wasn’t as date, it was just dinner”

“Yeah so just dinner, what do you think of him now? Still a brainless jock?”


“Told you it was a date.” She said smiling and poking her tongue out me.

“Oh very mature, well all four of them are back in today”

“Oh so you have the right sizes now?”

“Ok so I messed up, but that is the only time ever in this job, which I must say is better than you” again she poked her tongue out at me.

“So are you hoping to be dressing Mr. Staal today?” Lucy questioned starting to laugh. I threw my stapler at her as she ducked cackling.

“That is not funny” she was still laughing.

“I think we know you want to” she said winking.

“Actually I don’t. You might considering you’re a penguins fan”

“He is rather tasty but I’ll leave him alone seen as he seems to have his eyes firmly on you” she winked again.

“Lucy shut up” Just as I said that I had a call from reception.

“Hello, there are four men here saying they have an appointment with Anna”

“Ok I’m on my way” I said to the receptionist Helena.

“I’m going to show the four gentlemen in” I said to Lucy as I got up to leave.

“Oh your date has arrived”

“Shut up” I said as I left and made my way through the halls to the reception.

“Good Morning if you would like to follow me” I said turning.

“I wouldn’t mind following you with that ass” I heard and turned to see as Sidney got slapped by Jordan, I smiled and turned around leading the way to Anna.

I lead them into Anna’s office.

“Thank you Nicoletta” she said as I took my seat back at my desk.

“So do we have any plans for today?” Lucy questioned.

“We have a run through later, which you have to be at, and then I’ll get the book.” She nodded.

“Nicoletta” Anna called as I walked in to her office.


“Could you please show these four gentlemen to the changing rooms and then to the beauty department. Then when you have done that can you get photography to them. After that can you phone Dolce and Gabana and order me some scarves. Then cancel my dinner plans with Leo. Oh and get Lucy to make sure everyone is in my office for the run through at 12 sharp.” I nodded as I lead the men to the changing rooms and waited for them to finish, three were done and I showed them to the beauty department and went back to the changing area to find Jordan.

“I think you should help me” I heard, I laughed and replied.

“I think you should hurry up, and are you not a grown man who can dress himself?”

“No” he replied very seriously.

“Get dressed” I ordered, as he walked out shirtless, I gulped totally not expecting to get that view.

“Like what you see?” he said smiling.

“Nothing special” I stated regaining my composure and pushing him back in the changing room.

“Get dressed” he laughed and started to do as I was told. Eventually he came out and I took him to the beauty room. Finally they were all done as I lead them to photography as Nigel walked up to me.

“So when is the run through?”

“12 sharp” he nodded

“I’ll be there at 11:45” he replied.

“Thank you” I smiled

“You’re very welcome missy, how is today going?”

“Not too bad, apart from these four” he smiled

“Well I’ll see you at the run through?”

“No, Lucy will be there”

“No offence, but Lucy just isn’t my cup of tea, and she isn’t as good as second assistant as you were” I smiled

“Why thank you Nigel” he smiled and left. He was really nice; he knew so much about fashion and was like a father to me at Vogue, he was also head of the art department.  I looked at the four men as Jordan winked at me; I smiled back feeling the heat slightly rise to my cheeks. Lucy was right; he was having an impact on me, something I thought no man again would do. Maybe Jordan Staal was winning me over. 

The Devil doesn't play Ice hockey.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें