If you didn't understand

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I promise you it was nothing more than a kiss. But I was rather happy about it, and it made me smile every time I thought about it all the way to work.

"Morning" I called as I entered the office. Lexi looked up and gave me her suspicious eyes.

"What?" I questioned worried I had done something wrong.

"You got some" she said

"I've been with my parents all weekend, I most certainly haven't"

"What's wrong with you then?"

"Nothing I thought I was quite happy" I replied putting my coat away.

"Exactly" she replied.

"I'm guessing by your mood you didn't" she turned and looked at me with the evilest look she could muster.

"No Nicky I bloody didn't. again I might add" I chuckled slightly.

"You need a man"

"That's the thing" she replied sitting down at her desk "I don't think I want a man, more friend with benefits."

"I'm sure there are plenty of men out there who would make that agreement with you" I replied pulling my keyboard out to check the emails.

"yeah" she snorted "but they are at least 50" I chuckled again.

"Well I'm glad to see you are setting your sights high" I replied laughing 

"heyyy" she replied whilst throwing a rubber at me. "anyway if I were to choose a man I would like a big hunky one"

"You mean like a hunky ice hockey player who leaves you for his mate" I replied slightly chuckling remembering the time Sidney Crosby dumped her.

"I swear you are on fire at making me feel like shit today"

"I love you really Lex"

"Is Anna not in today?"

"No family time"

"Does that mean we have nothing to do?" she questioned. I nearly choked on my coffee.

"Are you being serious?" I questioned as Nigel walked in.

"Hello" I said happily to perhaps my favourite person in this building.

"hello gorgeous" he replied, however everyone knew Nigel was gay so it definitely was not a chat up line.

"anyway Lexi you have to get those big hunks you like so much dressed up so that Nigel can get them into photography"

"are they not here yet?" Nigel questioned as I shook my head in reply.

"So when are you getting promoted?" he questioned me

"I doubt any time soon" he looked confused

"and why not?"

"Well one because Lexi hasn't worked here long enough. And two because I'm too bloody good at this job."

"Oh I agree, but I think it's time you moved up in the world"

"Stop trying to steal me for your department" he laughed as my phone started ringing.

Thankfully the boys had arrived and I sent Lexi to go get them.

"Nicky it is so unfair, if Lexi were more trained you would definitely be promoted by now" Nigel said

"I don't mind Nigel, I do love my job"

"Well I will see you later darling. I'll be in my office when they are ready."


I saw Lexi walk past with the lads but there were only three. Why were there only three? But that was soon answered as Jordan came walking in my office.

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