Princeton And Tamara Alone.....................

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Tamara: *sees someone came in the room and closed the door thought it was Keisha but when she turned dhe saw a big black afro……………* 

Princeton: “h…..hi!” *smiles*

Tamara: *getting really angry gretting her teeth and clenching her teeth* “What! The fuck are you doing in here! You are the reason I am in here what do you want! Come to finish the job!?”

Princeton: *sighs and turns around… to face her..*

“no of course not! I….. I realise what I did to you was really bad and I‘m sooooooooooo sorry and I regret everything I should have never been rude to you or even punched you I realise that you were only trying to help and that I‘m taking anger management classes I have been trying to control my anger for a long time no offence but I needed something like this to wake me up and you were right about me always saying spread the peace and stuff and I will I only say that to the fans because I don‘t want them to make the mistakes I did! Look I promise I have not come in here to hurt you I just had to come and apologue because it has been going on and on in my head what I did and how bad it was and how it‘s getting worse I had to say sorry to your face I know you hate me and won‘t want a thing to do with me and I understand that! Cause I‘m a fucking prick who needs help and will regret this forever…. That is all I wanted to say really…”

Tamara: *can see that he has really been crying, his face is puffy and looks like he is goanna form more tears any time soon also noticed he‘s holding a drink on a tray but only using one hand?* “I……” *speechless…………………….*

Princeton: “oh and I thought u might be thirsty I brought you a drink considering everyone else is asleep and it was also kinda an excuse to talk to you might as well drink it!!” *walking over to her putting the drink on the counter by her bed……*

Tamara: “umm thanks” *picking up the drink, drinking half of it..*

Princeton: “I‘ll leave you to be at peace for now..” *giving her a half smile then turning around about to walk out the door………………………………*

Tamara: “wa…wait!” *Princeton stopped and turned around*


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