Vicky's Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Prodigy: “ba………bad wasn‘t the word!!!!!!”

Ray Ray: “yea…yeah more like the best!!”

Roc Royal: “Damn girl! Where you been hinding that voice?”

Tamara: “ha you think I‘m good wait till you hear vicky sing roc?!”

Roc: *smiling at the thought of vicky………………….*

Walter: “Ta…… Tamara!! You have a voice!! Where did that come from?”

Tamara: “um my throat? Well I think it did!”

Kenneth: *laughs a little* “no Tamara he means how long have you been singing?”

Tamara: “since I was 1-2 can‘t remember!! But yeah I‘ve always sung!!”

Keisha: “your voice is so amazing! Tamara I‘m lost for words……………………………….......”

Tamara: “thanks Keisha!! That means a lot! I think??”

Kenneth: “Tamara!! Have you  ever sung in front of people before?”

Tamara: “no but!………….. *there is a knock at the door*

Prodigy: “I‘ll get it !!” *walks out the room, bumps into Princeton…Princeton smiles whilst prodigy just walks on and answers the hotel door…looks through the peep hole and then opens it!!*

Prodigy: “vicky!!?” *vicky walks in …………………*

Vicky: “hey Prodigy!!” *smiles, and as she spoke roc came running out the guest room and straight to her………………………………..................*

Roc Royal: “VICKY!!!!!!!” *hugs her tight*

Vicky: *slightly blushing* “hi roc!! Miss me much??”

Roc Royal: “Yup!! a lot !!” *pulls away from the hug!!*

Prodigy: “vicky I thought you went out with your family?”

Roc: “yeah……………………”

Vicky: “yeah I did!! But they well my dad let me come back! He‘s gonna pick and Tamara up in the morning !!”  *smiles then turns her head and sees Princeton…………………….*

Vicky: “YOU!!” *rushes towards him so close to punching his face when prodigy and roc pulls her back!!*

Prodigy: “he.. Hey vicky I have an idea why don‘t we go in Roc‘s room and talk while you calm down!!”

Vicky: “WHY? *clears throat* I‘m just fine it‘s just seeing his face makes me sick!!” *glaring at Princeton*

Roc: “yeah we know come on lets chat!!” *him and prodigy guiding her to roc‘s room……………*

*in the guest room……………………………….....*

Keisha: “ray ray go see who was at the door! And who was yelling!!”

Ray Ray: “ok!!” *waling out the room, sees Princeton, Princeton tries to talk* “save it !!” *walks into roc‘s room*

*In Roc‘s Room………………………………...*

Vicky‘s POV: after the concert me and my family had to go out! The only good thing was the food! My family are just so embarrassing I’m not even going to tell you how or why!! Anyway we went to dinner with my uncles…. Even more embarrassing !! But I was happy there was ribs and chicken and more :D plus all I could thin about was roc! He is just so hot and sweet he’s really funny and interesting :D, soon enough my weird outing with my family ended and I sorta told my dad that Tamara had got injured during the concert and had to stay in a hotel for the night and because I was 15 like Tamara!! :D my dad said to call him every 2 hours :P to make sure we were ok and he would pick us up in the morning, he dropped me at the hotel and they went home, I got Tamara to text me the hotel door number when she got there in case this happened !! Which it did so I went up the golden elevator and landed on the 3rd floor and looked for door number 143!! Soooooooooo convenient right! Plus I have to say this hotel is quite nice too!! So yeah I found the door and knocked on it and about 45 seconds later prodigy answered the door he seemed shocked yet happy to see me then I walked in and roc came running, screaming my name as I said hi to prodigy, then roc hugged me tight!! He missed me ?! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy he’s so hot I missed him too I hugged him back why is he so hot?, he smiled at me which made me melt inside!! Then at the corner of my eye I saw Princeton standing by what looked lie the guest room, I think Tamara was in there!! It got my upset he is such a bastard how dare he punch her I’m so angry I tried to punch him yet! Again before being pulled back by roc and prod and soon enough I ended up in roc’s bedroom, it smelled of him :D and he smelled like berry’s sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yummy :D !! then they let me sit down and soon enough we were all talking about music and drake and stuff when ray ray came in……………………………….... (end of POV!!)

.................................................... (to be contined !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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